
Showing posts from November, 2010

A Christian Call To Prayer

A couple of years ago my wife and I were in Cairo for five days. More than anything, the widespread religious devotion touched me deeply. For example, on the first day our Muslim driver and guide took us to a locals-only type place for lunch. While eating, one of the five daily calls to prayer sounded. (It's a city of 18 million, and you hear the calls to prayer everywhere.) The two men left the table, washed and prayed, right in the restaurant. Every Muslim is called to pray at least five times a day. They must stop what they are doing, and take time to pray. You can’t tell me that their devotion to prayer doesn’t profoundly impact their lives. Can you imagine if we did that in our Nation? What unity! What devotion! What consecration! I readily admit my prayer life has not been what it should. Of course I pray every day, but often they are short prayers, all about me and my life. I grow weary while praying, my mind wanders, and my spirit feels unfulfilled. I just finished Kenneth ...

God Loves And Accepts You Now

Today I saw something in God’s Word that really excited me, so I wanted to quickly share it with you. Deuteronomy 5:2 says, “The Lord our God made a covenant with us in Horeb.” Now at first that doesn’t look like much. But the dictionary I use says that “Horeb” means desert, solitude, or destruction. Yes God had brought them out of Egypt, but they were in a desert place. They had made it into the wilderness, and they were struggling. This is also the place where God met with Moses in the Burning Bush (Exodus chapter 3). We all know Moses was struggling at that point too. He had left Egypt and had been tending the flocks of his father-in-law for years. He was away from his family, away from his people, and away from his destiny. They were all in a difficult place, but God was looking to take them to a better place. Are you in a difficult place today? God won’t reject you. God wants to meet you wherever you are. God knows where you’ve been and where you’re going. God wants an encounter w...

Successful Christian Living

Lately I’ve had some time on my hands. It’s not that I don’t have things to do. I have several clients and my daughter is six weeks old. But I’ve just been reflecting on the direction of our lives. The mindset behind Exploits for God has certainly evolved (with the Holy Spirit’s direction) since 2004 when I first launched the website. But recently I’ve been confronted again and again with this idea of successful Christian living. Just one look at the headlines will make you want to cry. There is so much pain and need in this world your heart can feel stressed and powerless. (It’s so important during those moments to remember that you can’t do everything, but you can do some things.) I hate seeing people sad and hurting, especially children. I know God is going to have me do things about it. But I also hate to see Christians not walking in the fullness of God’s promises. I can boldly say that I’m living a very good life and that it’s all in line with God’s will and plan for me. We’re he...