
Showing posts from January, 2013

It's Here Now!

I wonder how many of you are constantly sitting around waiting for God to do something new in your life.  I think I've been that way since I became a committed Christian.  I'm sure the Church is partly to blame.  We always hear that God's going to show up, God's going to do something, or God's going to change our situation.  I'm not saying those things aren't true, but I believe God has showed me that I need a fundamental mindset change in this area.  If you've read these posts at all you know that we are looking for mental renovation.  Mental renovation is key to personal transformation which is key to living out God's perfect will for our lives (Romans 12:2).  And on this New Year's Day, I've got a mindset change for you that will truly help you start fresh. I'm not going to bore you with more of my personal history, but basically from birth people have said God is going to do great things in my life.  He has, but I think these well-mea...