Live by Faith - Part 2
Last time we talked about living by faith. If you haven’t read that post or heard that podcast please go find it and start there because that foundation is going to be very important for going forward in this series. Living by faith means, at its core, obtaining your eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. It also means allowing your Christian faith to guide every aspect of your daily life. But we can’t stop there. To experience the final dimension of living by faith we must learn what faith really is. Once we understand the power and mechanics of faith, living by faith takes on another, wonderful meaning. In my last post I explained that faith, in the Bible, is not the same idea as the words belief and faith today. In the New Testament Greek, the word for faith is “pistis,” and pistis comes from the verb “to convince.” According to the Bible’s standard, if you are in faith then you are convinced about what you believe, fully persuade...