
Showing posts from 2021

The Truth About Divine Healing - 1

Today I want to begin a new series on divine healing.  I know I have talked about this before, but I feel God leading me to teach on this subject for a variety of reasons.  I intend to cover this subject from a number of angles, all with the goal of helping you understand divine healing and how you can receive healing for any sickness or injury.  There are many, many things one could say on this subject, and I certainly don’t know everything.  But I know a lot and I’ve been through a lot, and I really want to help people in this area.  Let me start by telling you how I came to heavily study divine healing over the past few years.  In February of 2019 I was invited to teach on divine healing at my local church.  I believed that God wanted to heal and that God’s healing power was available to everyone.  So I taught and we prayed for people and in general I think it was a good meeting.  However, what I didn’t know is that on the same day my wif...

The Final Evolution For Humanity

As we have discussed a number of times, humans are spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23).  Your spirit is the real you, the eternal you.  It can’t be seen but it is your true life.  Your spirit lives in a body, your flesh, and this flesh is temporal and will die.  Finally, you have a soul.  Your soul is your mind, will and emotions.  Your soul fundamentally emanates from your brain, but it also creates the bridge between your spirit and your flesh.  Many people only think about their flesh and their soul (again, mind, will and emotions).  They don’t think we have any eternal spiritual reality, or they don’t worry about it very much. However, one of the master keys to the highest expression of the human existence, indeed, the highest expression of your personal human experience, is in embracing your spiritual reality.  Last time I talked about our new reality in Christ, and I highly encourage you to listen to that podcast or read that...

Your New Reality

I once heard a Pastor talking about a subject he called “New Creation Realities.”  He was talking about all that happens to us when we receive Jesus Christ.  At one point he exclaimed, “And it’s a reality!”  While this statement may have sounded redundant to all he had said already, he was making a very important point that we all need to hear.  What the Bible says about you, especially what is says about you spiritually in Christ, is in fact, your reality.  You cannot see it.  You cannot feel it.  But it is just as real as anything else about you.  We must understand it, accept it, and live by it.  Many of you have probably taken an “Identity in Christ” class or something like that.  Those are great classes.  We have to learn what the Bible says about us, and about who we are in Christ.  I find that most people, even those who are very aware of their identity in Christ, fail to allow this understanding to impact their daily l...

How To Be Led By God’s Peace

Last time we talked about knowing God’s will, and I explained that God wants you to know His will and there are various ways we begin learning it.  Just to recap a little bit, one of the major ways we know God’s will is through His written Word.  The Bible explains virtually all of God’s general will for our lives and His general directions for correct living.  The Bible teaches us how to treat people, how to work, how to treat our bodies, and how to have a vibrant relationship with God, for examples.  The Bible also teaches us how to learn God’s specific will, where we should live, where we should work, who we should marry, and things like that.  The major way we learn God’s specific will is by hearing from God through His Biblical communication methods.  As you begin praying, reading your Bible, and worshipping, you are tuning into God’s frequency and you will begin hearing from God.  God will speak to you and guide you into His specific will for yo...

You Can Know God’s Will

Some years ago I was invited to teach the “Foundations” class for the men’s ministry at my church.  We developed a new study guide for the class, to help the members really learn the basics of the Christian Faith.  (By the way, I’m happy to send this to study guide to you, just let me know).  So I spent a few months and went back through the core doctrines and verses that teach the key Christian principles.  While I had read all these verses before, I came away with a new and very important revelation – ignorance of God’s will is totally unbiblical.  To put it another way, God never wants us to lack knowledge of His will.  We can and should know God’s will at all times.  God has a will for our lives.  God wants certain things in our lives, and God does not want other things in our lives.  God’s will for our lives does not automatically come to pass, we need to learn His ways and His will and then work with God to see His will become our real...