
Showing posts from January, 2021

The Secret of Life

The secret of life is found in Matthew 6:33, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He (God) will give you everything you need.”  Wait, don’t stop reading, it’s true.  I know you’ve probably heard that before, especially if you are in the church world.  But it’s the truth, it’s a wonderful, amazing, incomparably important truth, and if you will apply it to your life, you will have everything you could ever want.  I don’t mean only material things, although those are included, I’m talking about peace, fulfillment, purpose, relationships, hope, passion, and everything that really matters in life.   They, in their greatest expression, are only available to you in the Kingdom of God, and they are freely available.  The vast majority of the church world does not present God or life with God accurately.  It’s just the sad truth.  For most of us, even for those of us who are in great churches, our whole mental framework ...

The Election Is Over - Now Rise and Shine

As we all know, Joe Biden became the President of the United States of America yesterday.  Many Christians are not happy about this.  But regardless of who is in the oval office today, I want to encourage you for the rest of 2021 and beyond.  The directions and promises of the Bible are not dependent on the governing system in your particular country of residence.  In fact, the greatest commandments and truths of the Bible are totally independent from the worldly government where you live. 2020 was a tough year.  We had the shutdowns, the economic hardships, the riots, the disease (by now we probably all know many people who contracted COVID-19), and more.  And if all of that wasn’t enough, we had a presidential election that was basically contested for 3 months, all the way from Election Day to the inauguration.  I don’t know about you, but all of those things definitely took my focus off of the Kingdom of God a number of times.  However, now w...

How To Become Spiritual

Today we are going to talk about spiritual living, and how to become spiritual.  I remember I once saw a movie starring Jennifer Lopez.  Ms. Lopez’s character explained that she was more “spiritual” than “religious.”  A lot of people want to be “spiritual”.  I’m not really sure what they mean by that, and different people probably have different definitions of “spiritual.”  The Bible, however, does talk about being “spiritual” and God teaches us how to truly be “spiritual.”  I want to be “spiritual” according to God’s definition of the word.  I don’t want to be fake spiritual, which is what worldly “spiritual” people without God really are.  Like you (I hope), I want to be everything God wants me to be.  Recently I was reminded about the great importance the Bible places on spiritual living.  We need to understand spiritual matters, and what it means to be Biblically spiritual, if we are to be successful Christians.  I feel that Go...