The Final Evolution For Humanity
As we have discussed a number of times, humans are spirit, soul and body (1 Thessalonians 5:23). Your spirit is the real you, the eternal you. It can’t be seen but it is your true life. Your spirit lives in a body, your flesh, and this flesh is temporal and will die. Finally, you have a soul. Your soul is your mind, will and emotions. Your soul fundamentally emanates from your brain, but it also creates the bridge between your spirit and your flesh. Many people only think about their flesh and their soul (again, mind, will and emotions). They don’t think we have any eternal spiritual reality, or they don’t worry about it very much. However, one of the master keys to the highest expression of the human existence, indeed, the highest expression of your personal human experience, is in embracing your spiritual reality. Last time I talked about our new reality in Christ, and I highly encourage you to listen to that podcast or read that...