
Showing posts from September, 2023

Seedtime and Harvest for Finances (and everything else)

Hello everyone, last week on my podcast I talked about whether a Christian should tithe.  That was a very important discussion because the vast majority of churches teach that Christians should tithe and that if you don’t you are cursed and robbing God.  As we saw, there are several reasons to tithe, and because of them I tithe and I do agree that everyone should tithe.  But I think we should teach tithing correctly and not improperly use fear of punishment or curses to encourage people to tithe.  That full teaching about tithing is on the Byron Howell Ministries podcast, and please consider listening to it. While tithing is probably the number one financial teaching in the Church today, the second most common financial teaching is called “seedtime and harvest.”  The simple idea behind seedtime and harvest is that if you sow a financial seed God will bring a financial harvest into your life.  While this core idea is Biblical, this concept has been imprope...