
Showing posts from 2024

Praying for Jesus' Return

Some time ago I came across some verses that really made me think about Jesus’ return and when that is going to happen.   In this message I’m going to share those verses with you and the impact those verses have had on my life.   I don’t think I’ve ever talked about this publicly and I’ll just tell you I’m drawing some conclusions here that I’ve never heard anyone else say.     The real point of this message is to invite you to begin praying a certain way with me.   But, of course, if you disagree with my thoughts or conclusions here, you can just discard this message entirely.             Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36 that only God knows when the end will come, when Jesus will return to earth.   But as we read through the Gospels, Jesus tells us a lot about different signs that will signify the end of this age and when He is going to return.   As you probably know, Jesus’ words on that subject have provoked endless debate.   There are some people that think the vast majority of th

Victory in Your Healing Journey

            As many of you know I have spoken a lot about divine healing, and I’ve also written a book called Understanding and Receiving Divine Healing, which is available on Amazon.   If you are going through any kind of medical situation, or if you have any friends or loved ones who are, I highly encourage you to read it.   In the book I go through all the basics on divine healing and show you how any Christian can receive God’s healing power for any medical problem.   Today I will talk about three great revelations I’ve received and how they relate to divine healing.   What I mean by revelation is that I’m going to look at three passages from the Bible that have become very clear and very important to me.   These are three passages where I truly had a moment where God’s Holy Spirit opened my understanding to them.   Furthermore, I think you can take these three passages and use them to both obtain your healing and exit your healing journey.   I know that’s a strong statement, b

You Must Defeat Doubt

Today we will talk about faith and doubt, and we are going to see that doubt is one of the greatest enemies we will ever have.  We will also talk about defeating doubt. If you are anything like me, you have several areas of your life that you are currently praying about.   You have several areas of your life where you would like God’s help or to see God’s best.   So you pray about those areas and you try to make positive changes.   I hope you listened to my last episode because I talked about what to do in any difficult situation.   To briefly sum it up, for any difficult situation you need to pray about it, study God’s Word about it, do anything God says, and stay in faith that God’s Word is working in your life.   We also talked about praying instead of worrying and what it means to stand in faith despite contrary natural circumstances. If you have listened to me talk about faith, and I have a lot of episodes about faith, you know that true Biblical faith involves believing God