Succeeding in Difficult Situations
Hello Everyone, my name is Byron Howell and this is the Byron Howell Ministries Podcast. Thank you very much for joining me today and I know we are going to have an awesome discussion and this is going to bless you. Let me start by saying that I know I haven’t posted in a while. I hope you have all been well. We have been well at our house. I’ve been really trying to focus on God and His plan for my life. I want to make sure that I’m doing what He wants me to do. So I’ve been spending more time in personal Bible study and prayer, and I know that as I seek His will, He will reveal it to me by His Holy Spirit. And I know that is true for all of you as well. This morning as I sat down to read the Bible I started thinking about this concept of succeeding in difficult situations and I felt like I should do this teaching and maybe it’s just for one person out there. But if so that’s ok and it’s all worth it. In case you don’t...