The Love Revolution

Recently I read a new book by Joyce Meyer, the Love Revolution.  I must say that it is fantastic.  It discusses the Christian duty to love and gives inspiration and education on the subject.  Joyce wisely teaches us more about love and how to love.  But really, Joyce doesn't just want us to read a book, she wants a revolution, one that I can proudly say I've joined.

I don't think we can overstate the importance of love to Christians.  Jesus said that by our love for each other people would recognize us as Christians.  Jesus said that the two most important commandments are for us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and for us to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Then Jesus gave us a new commandment, enhancing the second one above, that we should love people as Christ loved us.  Christ sacrificed Himself so that we could be saved and have better lives, only because He loved us.  Therefore we must also learn to sacrificially love others. 

Furthermore, the Bible says that faith works by love.  Because the Bible says that without faith it is impossible to please God, if you are going to do anything pleasing to God, you are going to have to use faith.  But without love, your faith has no energy and effectiveness.  So if you have no true love, then you have no operational faith.  Therefore without true love, you can never really be pleasing to God.

Joyce knows that for the Church to rise up and take its place, and for Christians to truly begin living the lives Christ died to give us, we must start living with Godly love.  I know that I must begin to love in an unselfish, sacrificial, Christlike manner.  I also know that I need help, wisdom, and instruction to really begin doing so.  So I grabbed this book, and it totally edifies and inspires me to step up my love walk.  I also received the cds from Joyce Meyer's 2009 Women's Conference, where the speakers focused on The Love Revolution.  These messages are fantastic and they will greatly add to your wisdom on the subject and supplement your reading of The Love Revolution, whether you're male or female.

Everyone should get The Love Revolution, read it, and apply it to your life.  Please see the following links to buy The Love Revolution book and curriculum and to visit The Love Revolution home page.

Exploits for God wholly adopts and endorses The Love Revolution Motto:
"I take up compassion and surrender my excuses.
I stand against injustice and commit to live out simple acts of God's love.
I refuse to do nothing. This is my resolve.

Please also see this short introduction video from Joyce Meyer -


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