
Showing posts from March, 2010

God's Healthcare Reform

Who among us hasn’t heard all they want to hear about healthcare reform lately? Now I’m sure some of you are very interested and can’t get enough. Hey, I watch the news every night. But I’m ready to hear about something else. It never ceases to amaze me how Christians so evenly divide on political issues. I hate that, and you should too. I understand that God mandates our providing for the poor, and I want everyone to have affordable healthcare, but I keep hearing in my spirit the following verse – ”For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13) Now I bet many of you think, “Byron, what on Earth does that have to do with healthcare?” Let me explain. From the beginning God had a healthcare system for humans. In fact, God never meant for humans to get sick and die. Think about it, would God create something that would get sick or break down and die? Of cour...

Stay When God Says "Stay"

About three weeks ago my wife and I were in Mexico vacationing with her family. While there God clearly showed me that my time working for my father (the last 3.5 years) was over. The day after our return my dad told me that I need to find another job, that he's closing the company. The past weeks have given me time to reflect on the past and plan for the future. I began working for my father right out of law school. I guess I expected to help him run the company, thinking with my young, prideful mind. While he did have me run all of our new construction (a formidable task for someone with zero construction knowledge) I was essentially just another employee. My dad has been very successful, but working for him was not what I expected. We argued many times in the first months, and over the years I have occasionally prayed for the next season to arrive. Every time I found something fairly disagreeable I would ask God whether it was time to leave, but He always clearly said “Stay.” So...

A Devil's Chaplain, Reviewed by a Christian

Several weeks ago I had a dream in which my wife showed me a brown book which I knew was by Richard Dawkins (the famous scientist/evolutionist/ atheist). She asked me to do a blog post about it. When I awoke I searched his website and purchased (from a reseller) a copy of his brown book, A Devil's Chaplain. Why God wanted me to read the book I'm not sure, but I could say much. A Devil's Chaplain is a collection of Mr. Dawkins' essays, which range in topic from advanced evolution science/theory to his thoughts on education to his hatred of religion. As I read I kept hearing the voice of the wise Japanese warrior in the movie The Last Samurai saying, "to know my enemy." Now I know that we Christians war not against flesh and blood but against anything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God (2 Co 10:5, Eph 6:12). Therefore Mr. Dawkins' ideas and beliefs are my real enemy, not himself. Nevertheless I found his writing gripping and entertaining. He is ...