God's Healthcare Reform

Who among us hasn’t heard all they want to hear about healthcare reform lately? Now I’m sure some of you are very interested and can’t get enough. Hey, I watch the news every night. But I’m ready to hear about something else. It never ceases to amaze me how Christians so evenly divide on political issues. I hate that, and you should too. I understand that God mandates our providing for the poor, and I want everyone to have affordable healthcare, but I keep hearing in my spirit the following verse –

”For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)

Now I bet many of you think, “Byron, what on Earth does that have to do with healthcare?” Let me explain. From the beginning God had a healthcare system for humans. In fact, God never meant for humans to get sick and die. Think about it, would God create something that would get sick or break down and die? Of course not! But when Adam sinned sickness and death became man’s reality (Genesis 3:19). So God devised His own healthcare plan and His own brand of health insurance. We find it in His Word.

“I am the Lord that Healeth thee . . . And you shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee . . . I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds.” (Exodus 15:26, 23:25, Jeremiah 30:17)

There you have it, glory to God. God wants to personally be our Healthcare Provider. But we, in this country and across the world, have devised ourselves these crazy healthcare systems, run by insurance companies, lawyers, and natural doctors. We give them 1/6 of our economy, literally one out of every six of our dollars. And we still have sickness in our midst. Healthcare costs rise, the need for doctors increases, and on and on and on. These are broken cisterns that can hold no water. This is a counterfeit system, and it has not healed us.

But God, the Fountain of Living Waters, is the Lord that will heal us. God doesn’t change (Malachi 3). God promised to heal the Israelites and He promises to heal you and me. We have put our trust in man and man’s medicine, and we have forgotten the supernatural healing power of God. I promise you, once you sign up for God’s healthcare plan, it won’t matter what the politicians do, you have the Single Provider option and you are FULLY COVERED!

So you say, “I know God’s Word says those things, but how can I see those verses become a reality in my physical body?” Well I’m glad you asked. Let me give you a few steps to receiving God’s promised Divine health, where sickness has literally been removed from your midst.

First, you must believe the Word of God. The Prophet Isaiah told King Hezekiah that unless he believed God’s Word he would never be established (Isaiah 7:9). Believing God’s Word is always the first step to receiving anything from Him. God doesn’t lie or repent from what He’s said. What He says He does and what He speaks comes to pass. (Numbers 23:19) God honors His Word above His own Name (Psalm 138:2). You can completely trust God when He says He will restore your health and take sickness from your midst.

Now that you believe God’s Word, or God’s promises concerning your health, you must know that through faith and patience we inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:12). So you must build your faith up. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). So you must continually hear the Word of God concerning Divine Health, and because you fully trust God’s Word, this will build your faith. Daily pray and confess, “God, I know you restore my health and heal my wounds, God I know you take sickness from my midst.” Continually read and speak aloud God’s promises concerning healing. Find more of them than those listed here, specific promises for your situation. Your faith will grow inside you, and literally the force of faith will drive sickness from your body. Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world and all natural evils (1 John 5:4).

Now you must also remain patient. Patience in the Biblical sense means “fortitude,” or staying the same despite pressure to change. No matter what happens, no matter how bad your pain hurts, or how sick you feel, continue confessing God’s Word and believing God’s promises. You have to settle within yourself that “though every man is a liar, God is true” (Romans 3:4). That means you regard God’s Word as true regardless of anything and everything contrary. Even when your head is pounding, you say God restores my head’s health and heals my heads wounds.

You also begin calling that thing that be not as though it is (Romans 4:17). That is how God brings things to pass. He calls the things that be not as though they are. God called Abraham the Father of Many Nations before Abraham was the father of anything. This is a powerful process whereby you speak God’s Word concerning a situation, but you speak the final result, not just what you currently see. For example, “God has restored my health and God has healed my wounds. By Jesus’ stripes I am healed.”

You see, part of the ministry of Jesus was to remove every effect of sin from our lives. Sure, sin carried with it a sentence of death and hell, but sin also removes us from the blessing of God and opens us to the works of the devil. Yet Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). The Prophet Isaiah, when speaking prophetically about Jesus, said the following, “Surely He has born our griefs (sicknesses) and carried our sorrows (pains) . . . But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:3,4)

Jesus came to remove every work of the devil from our lives. Jesus suffered so we don’t have to suffer. God was able to provide healing for the Israelites before Jesus came, but now we Christians have a right, and an open door, to receive God’s healing in our bodies, for Jesus paid the price for all sin and sickness for us. Praise the Lord.

Now let me give you one last Word concerning receiving the manifestation of any of God’s promises. Before Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding His mother Mary told the servants, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.” (John 2:5) You must remember that when you are believing God for receipt of His promises.

Whatever Jesus tells you to do, do it. As you pray, as you study and speak God’s Word, as you build your faith, one of two things will happen: either your symptoms will disappear as your health is restored, or God will give you a specific instruction. When God speaks, do it, for that is the key to your healing. After terribly stepping on a nail God told me to take an extract from pineapple. (I thought this was crazy too). After suffering from terrible neck pain for years God told me to have an evangelist lay hands on me in Starbucks. (I’m sure it was weird for the other patrons). Both times, and countless others, I received a full and miraculous healing.

Maybe God will tell you to see a natural doctor, as He did to Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke when he had a serious medical problem. That’s fine too. Jesus told those He healed to do many different things: wash in this place or that, show yourself to the priests, etc. Maybe God’s looking for your faith, or for a point of contact with you. At that point, when you have heard from God, who cares, just do it, and then keep your faith and patience intact and you will doubtless receive a miraculous healing from God.

I tell you; the more I hear about worldly healthcare the less I want it. I’m not even talking about the new political system. I didn’t like it two years ago and I don’t like it now. I love God, who sent Jesus to heal me spiritually and physically. Receive God’s Word concerning healing for your physical body. Completely dismiss those who say God’s healing isn’t for today. We won’t take the time to discuss that theory, but it’s complete garbage.

God always was and always will be the Lord that heals us. Receive Him as your Healer, as your Doctor, as your first and foremost Healthcare Provider and Healthcare Insurer. As you would trust their words and do what they say, trust God’s Word and do what He says. You will walk in a health and vigor you never thought possible. Glory to God.


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