Supreme Court Protects and Dishonors Cross
Today, April 28, 2010, the United States Supreme Court ruled on a case concerning a large cross that sits on federal land. The Veterans of Foreign Wars first erected the cross in 1934 to memorialize the fallen soldiers of World War I. I will not bore you with a lengthy legal analysis. They did not rule that it can stay forever. In a 19 page opinion Justice Kennedy basically said it can stay for now, pending potential further review of other laws by a lower court. You would probably need legal training to completely understand the rationale in Justice Kennedy’s opinion. But you would only need an ounce of common sense to quickly see the whole situation is ridiculous and pathetic and (I believe) deplorable before God. Do not be fooled. If the ACLU has their way they will go one by one through every piece of public land and tear out anything that even remotely appears religious. Today they lost, but not big. I find the opinion by Justice Kennedy, which allows the cross to remain, most dis...