Love a Child

When that terrible earthquake hit Haiti my wife and I knew we needed to make a donation to help the hurting people. Remember that the Bible says we are to visit widows and orphans in their affliction. Feeling inundated with charity solicitations, we finally settled on Love a Child, for we saw it recommended by Joyce Meyer Ministries. We made a modest donation and were placed on their mailing list. Recently I read one of their letters.  I want to do more and I ask you to do the same. 

The earthquake in Haiti came and went for us. We saw the news, felt terrible, prayed, and gave a little money. Then it left the news and our minds. But the people in Haiti soldier on, especially Bobby and Sherry Burnette from Love a Child.  The Missionaries Burnette have been in Haiti since 1991. They have an orphanage, schools and land there which they use to bless the people and minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But nothing could have prepared them for the earthquake. I encourage you to get their ministry letter dated March 29, 2010, it will reduce even hardened men to tears.

By the grace of God their orphanage and staff were saved, but they now have more work than ever. They have generously opened their land to thousands of hungry and broken souls, providing food, shelter, and the Gospel to these desperate people. Other ministries are using their land to stage relief efforts. Those others will come and go, but the Burnettes will continue.

Mrs. Burnette tells of unimaginable horrors, devastation and loss suffered by the Haitians. She closes the letter by pleading for funds. They can get the food donated, but they need funds to pay for its transportation to Haiti. Please consider giving again to the Haiti relief effort. We must keep a place in our hearts for these people, even if they aren't before our eyes.

This effort will take years. Haiti will never be the same. But I tell you this, whoever has the biggest wallet for Haiti will determine its future. If muslims came in with billions for them which direction would Haiti go? Obviously many would become muslims. If Christians come in with billions, and openly preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then Haiti can come out of its darkness and into the Marvelous Light of Jesus Christ. Haiti could be saved, and that nation could become a beacon of Christian hope and change to the world. You can help shape the destiny of an entire nation by equipping Christians in Haiti to bless the people.

As for me, I'm donating to Love a Child. This isn't some short-term mission trip. These people are completely committed to the Gospel and to Haiti. We must support them. We must extend our hearts and our hands to them. Help them, and help enLighten Haiti forever. Go to the Love a Child website and click their Haiti Earthquake Relief link to see how you can help. God bless you.


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