Joyce Meyer Ministries

The other day I received a letter about Joyce Meyer's upcoming conference in Tampa.  I'd like to tell you why I believe her ministry is a tremendous blessing to the body of Christ.  I'm not sure how I first learned about her, but I first saw her in Atlanta while attending law school.  I began watching her show, and (through my small amount of computer knowledge) I was able to access the route directory for all her archived episodes online.  So for months while eating breakfast I would watch several episodes.  (I probably wasn't supposed to do that, and after a while the link wouldn't work, but it blessed me.)

During that season I attended Dr. Creflo Dollar's church, World Changers Church International.  While there I learned a great amount of doctrine and the finer points of the Faith.  Although he always made it very practical, he would frequently go into great depths of spiritual reality.  But Joyce Meyer, while preaching profound spiritual truths, always focuses on how to improve your daily life.  One of her ministry's main themes is "Enjoying Everyday Life."

I believe God has called me to the ministry.  I'm not in the full time ministry today, but I know He has ministry plans for me.  So on the one hand I want to continue learning about the deepest realities of Christianity, but I feel like God keeps directing me to her teachings.  And now I believe I know why.

I don't know of a better teacher than Joyce Meyer on daily Christian living.  If you will hear the Word of God through her, I guarantee you will begin spiritually prospering in every area of your life.  She constantly encourages us to love others actively.  She shows us how to lay our lives down before God.  She teaches us how to treat others and behave in a Godly manner.  And there is much more.  Oh, I know you think all that stuff is obvious and basic, but I no longer think so. 

I realize now that if I'm going to prosper in ministry, I'd better learn to first prosper in my regular life.  If I can't do well in my relationships now, I'll never have proper ministry relationships.  I must learn to guard my tongue, renew my mind, love others, respect others, and do many other things so that I have a well-founded Christian existence. 

God doesn't want me to begin in ministry and fail.  And if I don't develop the fruit of the spirit and Godly behavior prior to ministry, it sure won't happen there easily.  I know that ministry can be hard and beset by offenses and struggles.  I need to get my joy, love, peace, patience and Godliness straight before I can help others with their lives.  Remember we are to remove the planks from our eyes before helping our brethren with the specks in theirs.

So I can honestly say that Joyce Meyer Ministries is a tremendous blessing to me on many levels.  Her teachings help me put off the old man and put on the new.  Through her teachings my mind is renewed to the way God wants us to live with each other.  Her teachings help me surrender my life to Christ so that I can be the blessing to others God wants me to be.  My flesh thinks I need someone to teach me about angels and the end times and miracles.  But my heart knows that it needs to grow and mature first.  God knows that too, and God has sent Joyce Meyer to help us all mature in Christian virtues.

So check out her website and watch her show.  Read some of her books and get some of her cds.  I promise you that the powerful truths she preaches, if you incorporate them into your own life, will improve your everyday Christian walk and prepare you for the mighty exploits God calls you to do.  Praise the Lord.


  1. I listened to some of Joyce Meyers preaching while I was abroad a few years back; they were very refreshing. Just also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I pray the Lord will lead you to the right church. God bless and have a great week.


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