
Showing posts from February, 2011

God's Communication Methods

I recently studied the ways God communicates to His people.  I believe God mainly communicates to us through the Holy Spirit, and I made a list of the various ways God does so.  Here is that list.  This isn't meant to be a full and complete list.  We know God can be very creative and we shouldn't ever try to limit Him.  Study this list and the associated Scriptures.  I pray that you hear Him when He speaks.  There is nothing like receiving a Word from God, nothing. • The Spirit of God will simply speak to you. You will hear it inside you. It won’t be the voice in your head. God’s Spirit is in your belly (John 7:38). You will hear it coming from below. o He will tell you whatever He hears from God or Jesus. (John 16:13) o He will speak to you about Jesus. (John 15:26) o He will teach you all things. (John 14:26) o He will tell you what to do or what’s going on. (Acts 8:29, Acts 10:19) o A Word of Wisdom or Word of Knowledge from God (1 Corinthians 12:8) could come this way. • Th