God's Communication Methods

I recently studied the ways God communicates to His people.  I believe God mainly communicates to us through the Holy Spirit, and I made a list of the various ways God does so.  Here is that list.  This isn't meant to be a full and complete list.  We know God can be very creative and we shouldn't ever try to limit Him.  Study this list and the associated Scriptures.  I pray that you hear Him when He speaks.  There is nothing like receiving a Word from God, nothing.

• The Spirit of God will simply speak to you. You will hear it inside you. It won’t be the voice in your head. God’s Spirit is in your belly (John 7:38). You will hear it coming from below.
o He will tell you whatever He hears from God or Jesus. (John 16:13)
o He will speak to you about Jesus. (John 15:26)
o He will teach you all things. (John 14:26)
o He will tell you what to do or what’s going on. (Acts 8:29, Acts 10:19)
o A Word of Wisdom or Word of Knowledge from God (1 Corinthians 12:8) could come this way.

• The Holy Spirit may speak through your voice or through the voice of another. (Matthew 10:20, Mark 13:11, Luke 12:12, 1 John 4:2, Romans 8:26, Acts 1:16, Acts 11:28) This includes prophecy, speaking in tongues and interpreting tongues. (1 Corinthians 12, 14)

• God’s Spirit will remind you of things and bring things to your remembrance, especially the teachings of Jesus and God’s Word in general. (John 14:26)

• The Holy Spirit will show you various things.  He might show you things by using words or He may use images.  You will see them in your mind or before your eyes. Or maybe you will just instantly see them in your heart.
o He will show you the things of God and Jesus. (John 16:14)
o He will show you things to come. (John 16:13) (Ex: Luke 2:26, Acts 11:28)
o A Word of Wisdom or Word of Knowledge from God (1 Corinthians 12:8) could come this way too.

• Because God has poured out the Holy Spirit onto you, you may have dreams or visions from God. (Acts 2:17).

• The Holy Spirit will bear witness with your spirit. (Romans 8:16)

This one is actually very important and will become an everyday part of your life. God’s Spirit, which is inside you, will give you a feeling, a leaning, of peace if something is correct for your life. You must begin checking with your spirit (which you will be able to do more and more as you pray and study God’s Word). Your spirit communicates perfectly with God’s Spirit. If you don’t feel peace, don’t go. Don’t ever feel pressured, I don’t care what happens. If you don’t feel peace, you must not continue. I can’t overstate the importance of that principle.

• The Holy Spirit will convict (not condemn) you of sinful behavior. (John 16:8)

• The Holy Spirit will reveal, give us revelation of, many things in this Christian life. God will do this through words, dreams, visions, prophecies, or any other method He uses.
o The Holy Spirit will reveal God’s will. (Ephesians 3:5)
o The Holy Spirit will reveal everything God has prepared for us. (1 Corinthians 2:10)
o The Holy Spirit will reveal everything God gives us. (1 Corinthians 2:12)
o The Holy Spirit will reveal the deep things of God. (1 Corinthians 2:10)
o The Holy Spirit will reveal what God wants you to do (1 Corinthians 2:10 and Ephesians 2:10)

You must always remember that God's voice will never disagree with God's written Word.  God will never tell you to sin or violate a Biblical principle, like Love. 

Jesus said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."  (Matthew 11:15)  We all have physical ears, so Jesus must have been talking about spiritual ears.  Spend time with God and His written Word.  Pray that God would give you spiritual ears and develop them. 
I pray that we all hear God more clearly each day, for therein is the key to living God's will for our lives.


  1. I thank God, that He fulfilled His promise and left us His Holy Spirit, we are now empowered to be the person He really wants us to be.
    We just need to listen and obey tHis still small voice.

    Thank you for sharing. I notice that you too follow KCM ministeries. I love Kenneth and Gloria, they have given me teachings that have truly changed my life.

    God Bless

  2. Amen, I have heard God in so many different ways, I am always blown away on how he chooses to speak to his children:)


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