
Showing posts from 2012

How To Become Like Christ

Almost two years ago I was driving in Birmingham and listening to a sermon by Dr. Bill Winston.  For some time the Spirit of God had been saying to me, "get ready."  During the sermon God showed me that "get ready" meant "become conformed to the image of Christ."  I began studying the subject and I saw that becoming conformed to the image of Christ is a master key to walking in all of your divine destiny.  That study culminated in me carefully reading all four Gospels to study Jesus and how to be like Him.  I highly encourage all of you to do that for yourselves. I could probably write for years on everything I've learned about Christ.  I plan to share some of the revelation God gave me.  But for now I want to simply show you how to be conformed to the image of Christ.  There are several very important points about change and transformation for Christians.  They include renovating the mind (from carnal to spiritual thinking) and putting off t...

Do YOUR Good Works

Does anyone else out there find it difficult to refrain from comparing yourself with others?  Sometimes it's easy to get jealous when comparing yourself, or your house, or your car or your whatever.  That leads me to another subject.  When I was young I thought I could do anything, and I still do.  When I think about Jesus telling people that if they have been given much, then much is required from them, I think if that applies to anyone it applies to me.  I really have been given everything.  But I (unfortunately perhaps) look at that as a cross to bear rather than a reason for rejoicing.  But whether you feel you've been given nothing or everything, we still must work with what we have. God has a specific plan for my life and one for yours too.  Living out this plan is the best way to show God thanks for all He's done for us.  As hard as it may be, I need to focus on what God has given me (not what He has given anyone else) and I must do th...

Seeing All God's Best

While attending law school I was a member at Dr. Creflo Dollar's church in Atlanta, World Changers Church International.  It truly blows my mind to consider the events that brought me there, seemingly good and bad, all within God's divine plan for my life.  I received such an awesome spiritual education there that, while I did leave Atlanta with a law degree, I feel like I attended Bible school as well. Most of the members were very committed.  Dr. Dollar pulled no punches when exhorting us in our walks with God.  You were supposed to be at multiple services, going to all the conventions, reading your Word daily, and truly devoting your life to God.  He really does preach a total life devotion to Christianity.  I remember at the time wondering if such commitment was truly necessary.  Did I really need to be in church twice a week?  Did I really need to spend time with God every day?  Did I need to spend lots of time in the Bible?  I'm su...

The Required Spiritual Mind

Recently Blogger has changed the "dashboard" look for its account holders.  Blogger, which is owned by Google, is the host for this blog.  It's very easy for me now to see which pages have the most views.  It's pretty surprising, and I don't have explanations for why certain posts are most popular.  But I believe these recent posts are absolute revelation from God, and I believe they will bless you if you meditate the Scriptures and ideas presented in them. That probably sounds like a bold claim, but that's o.k.  There are different forms of revelation.  The form I most commonly receive is when something in God's Word is just laid bare before me.  We can spend our whole lives reading the Bible, but until we truly study and meditate its contents we won't understand them as God intends.  My meditations lately on God's will and the Holy Spirit have brought life changing revelation.  I'm so excited and I hope these posts bless you.  I'm glad...

God's Spirit and You

Recently I have been looking at God's Spirit and its influence on our lives.  If you run a simple study on the words "spirit" or "ghost" in the New Testament you will be amazed at the impact God wants the Holy Spirit to have on you.  There is simply no overstating the importance of our relationship with God's Spirit. I'm reminded of a sermon I once heard about tithing.  The preacher quoted 1 Corinthians 14:8, "For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to battle."  His point was that if many people preach many different things about tithing, then the Body of Christ on the whole won't tithe, and the body of Christ on the whole will then lack.  I believe the same is true of the Holy Spirit.  We have all heard different preaching on the Holy Spirit.  I hope you heard that the Holy Spirit is God's gift to you so that you can successfully live this Christian life.  I hope you heard that developing your relationship...

Led By God's Spirit

A few weeks ago God told me that following the Holy Spirit will always lead to success. Since then I have been considering and meditating on that idea.What if you could do exactly as God wished 100% of the time. It's certainly possible according to Romans 8. I encourage you to study that passage carefully. It says that we are God's children and we can be led by God's Spirit. It even says that we can fulfill the righteousness of the law, if we walk in the Spirit. God has now empowered us to please Him perfectly, something we could never do without the Holy Spirit. But it's about more than just pleasing God, it's about living the life God has for us, every part of it. We know God has plans for us. We know God wants us to be changed by His Spirit and conformed to the image of Christ. We know God has prepared good works for us to do. We know God wants us to have certain things. What if you walked in the full measure of all these. I'm certainly not there,...

We Should Dominate

Let me start by briefly discussing meditation. I'm simply can't overstate the importance of meditating God's Word. Read Joshua 1 and Psalm 1. Meditation is about repeating the scripture to yourself, focusing on different parts of it, and visualizing the words and images in your mind. Sure there may be other parts, but those are the basics. You can do this any time, but it really helps to do so in an atmosphere of quiet prayer and focus on God. Meditation opens the scripture to you in a supernatural way. Somehow your brain is triggered and influenced by the Holy Spirit to make associations and expand your understanding of the text. If you never meditate God's Word, I promise you are missing out. Meditating God's Word also opens you to the leading and voice of God's Spirit. Meditation leads to revelation. I was recently meditating the general themes of my last post, God's Amazing Goodness. I thought about all God has done for us. He has given us His Spirit, th...

God's Amazing Goodness

This morning I compiled a list of many wonderful things God has done for us and some of the wonderful realities of our Christianity. God is so awesome, marvelous, loving, I could go on and on. Take time to reflect and meditate on this list. It will stir your faith. If this doesn't get you excited, man you need to check your salvation or decide whether you believe the Bible. I also invite you to add to this list, if we really could see clearly, without the blinders of the flesh, we would see that this list would never end. God loves us so much that He personally came, in the person of His perfect and only son Jesus Christ, to die for us, and because we believe in Jesus Christ we will never die and we have everlasting life (John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:19). When we accept Jesus Christ we are born again spiritually, directly from God who becomes our literal father, and God’s seed is in us (John 3, Romans 8, 1 John 3:9). When we are born again we exchange our sin for Jesus’ righteousness...

Rise and Shine to Good Works

We've probably all heard the famous passage from Isaiah 60:1, "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee." What a wonderful passage of exhortation. We Christians know that Jesus Christ is The Light that has been given to us and has risen on us (John 1). Jesus said that God never lights a candle to keep it hidden, but puts it on display so that it gives light to everyone (Matthew 5:15). But we also know we have a choice. We must choose whether we will rise and shine. Jesus exhorted all of us by saying, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven." (Matthew 5:16) Ephesians 2:11 tells us that we were created in Christ unto good works which God has prepared for us. We now see, when taking the verses together, that we were created for good works which were meant for others to see so that they would glorify God. When we were born again into Christ we were emp...

Power Moves

I first began seriously following Christ in May of 2004. It was then that I decided to surrender my life to Him and live by His ways. The following school year was my second year of law school. Sometimes after school I would come home and contact old friends to tell them about Jesus. Each week God would lay a few people on my heart and I would call or email them to witness. I began reaching out to various friends and acquaintances, which got a bit strange in the natural, as you can imagine. But most of them had heard my life had radically changed. One afternoon I called this one guy. As the conversation began he said something I'll never forget. He said, "I heard you've been making power moves." What a shocking thing for him to say. While maybe he didn't consciously think about all this, it seems He was acknowledging that I had made drastic changes in my life, that these changes had the potential to drastically improve my life, that these moves would increase my p...

God Helps me Love Him

Recently the Lord sternly corrected me. It was in the morning as I struggled to stay awake with Him and His Word. Unfortunately, struggling to spend time with God in the morning has long been part of my relationship with Him. Of course God may spend time with you other times of the day, but this is when He wants to spend time with me. I believe this is very common with God, as I've heard many ministers discuss this. God says, in the person of Wisdom, "I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me." (Proverbs 8:17) The Bible calls itself a mirror. When one reads it one sees himself clearly, and how his life compares with its words. That morning I saw that my feelings toward God were improper. I realized first that I would rather be asleep. Isn't that pathetic, I would rather sleep than spend time with the Creator of everything, who loves me more than I can imagine. Then I saw that the only reason I spend time with God is to obtain things from Him...

Seize Your Days

Lately we've been discussing work and money, and I sense a greater need than ever to hear clearly from God about my work and do whatever He says to do. So I've been meditating a lot of verses about work and God's provision. I also haven't been exactly slammed with work lately, which can bring about certain fears. But the question isn't whether God will provide, His Word promises He will. The question is how should I spend my time. Whether you are self employed or not, you have time management questions that must be resolved with God's assistance. Right this second, there are a variety of things I could do, but I know God wants me to diligently work on this blog, so here we are. What has God spoken to you about doing? Are you doing it? I don't mind being open about my schedule with you. God says that I must wake up early and spend time with Him. God says that I must be loving and patient with my family, and make time for them. God says that I should exercise ...