
Showing posts from January, 2012

Power Moves

I first began seriously following Christ in May of 2004. It was then that I decided to surrender my life to Him and live by His ways. The following school year was my second year of law school. Sometimes after school I would come home and contact old friends to tell them about Jesus. Each week God would lay a few people on my heart and I would call or email them to witness. I began reaching out to various friends and acquaintances, which got a bit strange in the natural, as you can imagine. But most of them had heard my life had radically changed. One afternoon I called this one guy. As the conversation began he said something I'll never forget. He said, "I heard you've been making power moves." What a shocking thing for him to say. While maybe he didn't consciously think about all this, it seems He was acknowledging that I had made drastic changes in my life, that these changes had the potential to drastically improve my life, that these moves would increase my p...

God Helps me Love Him

Recently the Lord sternly corrected me. It was in the morning as I struggled to stay awake with Him and His Word. Unfortunately, struggling to spend time with God in the morning has long been part of my relationship with Him. Of course God may spend time with you other times of the day, but this is when He wants to spend time with me. I believe this is very common with God, as I've heard many ministers discuss this. God says, in the person of Wisdom, "I love them that love Me; and those that seek Me early shall find Me." (Proverbs 8:17) The Bible calls itself a mirror. When one reads it one sees himself clearly, and how his life compares with its words. That morning I saw that my feelings toward God were improper. I realized first that I would rather be asleep. Isn't that pathetic, I would rather sleep than spend time with the Creator of everything, who loves me more than I can imagine. Then I saw that the only reason I spend time with God is to obtain things from Him...

Seize Your Days

Lately we've been discussing work and money, and I sense a greater need than ever to hear clearly from God about my work and do whatever He says to do. So I've been meditating a lot of verses about work and God's provision. I also haven't been exactly slammed with work lately, which can bring about certain fears. But the question isn't whether God will provide, His Word promises He will. The question is how should I spend my time. Whether you are self employed or not, you have time management questions that must be resolved with God's assistance. Right this second, there are a variety of things I could do, but I know God wants me to diligently work on this blog, so here we are. What has God spoken to you about doing? Are you doing it? I don't mind being open about my schedule with you. God says that I must wake up early and spend time with Him. God says that I must be loving and patient with my family, and make time for them. God says that I should exercise ...