What To Do When You Suffer A Physical Problem

When I was younger my father took me skiing in Colorado every year.  One year he wore snow boots that were too small for him, and he developed ingrown toenails.  He had to have some procedures on his toes, and his toenails on his big toes never looked the same.  He also said it was extremely painful.  So basically I grew up with a fear of ingrown toenails.  Ever since, I’ve always been careful about my shoe sizes and about trimming my toenails.  But even with this fear and preventative efforts, I’ve had a couple times where I’ve had to get the nail tools and dig out the side of my big toenail.  If any of you have had to do that, you know it’s not fun.    

The other morning I woke up about 5:30 to take my dogs out.  As I started to walk I felt the worst ingrown toenail pain I have ever felt.  The pain was shooting all through my toe.  This made no sense because I hadn’t done anything recently to cause it, but there it was.  It was so bad that my first fear was that my typical techniques wouldn’t work, and I needed to go to a doctor.  Fortunately, I remembered that every Christian is a carrier of God’s healing power, and I could use my faith.

So that’s just what I did, and if any of my neighbors were walking by at that moment it probably sounded strange.  I commanded, in Jesus’ Name, the pain to go and for my toe to be healed.  I still had to walk one of my dogs so we started off down the street.  It still hurt, so I started thinking about how I would dig the nail out of the side of my toe and hope for the best.  But then I felt the peace of God about the situation. 

I didn’t hear the still small voice or the audible voice of God, but it’s like I got a word right from this peace, or perhaps it was my mind interpreting the meaning of this peace.  I had done what I needed to do, and my toe was already healed.  I still felt the pain, but I knew that I could enter rest about this situation, for we which have believed do enter rest (Hebrews 4:3).  So I didn’t do anything about it, and I stopped thinking about it.  By about 12:30 pm that day, the pain was drastically reduced, and by the end of the day, the pain was gone.  I never touched it, I never even looked at it again.  It was totally healed.  Glory to God!

I’m not sure how or why that all happened.  Maybe it was a demonic attack.  Maybe I’ve opened a door to attacks in this area because of fear.  Maybe, and I don’t know how this is possible, but maybe I just slept on it funny.  Regardless, it happened.  My body suffered a negative situation.  But by doing what I know to do from God’s Word, I received healing, and the physical manifestation came rather quickly. 

So today let’s talk about healing again, and let’s focus very practically on what you should do if your body is injured or attacked.  I’m not going to give you all the Biblical or theological underpinning for all my beliefs in this message.  That would take hours.  This message is what to do when you suffer a physical problem, and how to best position yourself for healing.  If you don’t understand from a Biblical perspective that God wants you healed every time your body is attacked, then please go through my other podcasts and blogposts to learn about that.  It’s all there.

Unfortunately, at some point your body is going to get attacked.  I’m not trying to prophesy negative words over you, but that’s just the way it is.  Maybe it’s just a simple injury.  Maybe you stub your toe or bump your head.  Maybe you get in a car accident.  Maybe you catch a contagious disease.  Maybe, as we see many times in the Bible, a demon attacks you with a sickness.  Unfortunately, there are lots of ways our bodies can suffer medical problems, but, fortunately the Bible tells us what to do about it.

Interestingly enough, God knows that these problems will come.  Just think of all the tools God has given us to fight them off.  We have immune systems.  We have this cellular regeneration system in our body.  If we get cut then our blood will clot and the wound will heal.  If we break a bone, the bone will grow back.  On top of all of that, God has placed the healing power of God in our bodies to constantly deliver healing power to us (Romans 8:11).  We have authority over sickness and disease and every unclean spirit (Luke 9:1).  If we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, we also have the miracle working power of God at our disposal to lay hands on the sick and work healing miracles (Acts 1:8 and Mark 16:18).

When you consider all of that, and much more we could mention, it’s absolutely crazy to think that God wants us sick or injured.  But in fact, that’s not what people consider.  Rather, people consider all of the sickness and injuries in the world around us, and they think God must want us to have physical problems.  People think that God’s will is automatic, and if this world is filled with sickness, then God must want people sick.  But that’s not the way it works.  God’s will is for your healing.  God’s will is for everyone’s healing.  But it’s not automatic, if you want to receive healing from God, you have to do what the Bible says to do.  Your salvation isn’t automatic, your financial success isn’t automatic, and your healing isn’t automatic, but they are all God’s will for your life.

Now if you are attacked, you need to decide how you are going to handle it.  You can always change your mind about this, but you should make the initial decision, and let’s go through your options. 

If your body is attacked, the first option you have is to do nothing.  Maybe your immune system or your body’s other internal healing mechanisms will fight it off and you’ll be fine.  Maybe your body will do its best, but you will have a lingering pain or limited mobility, like when a broken bone heals the wrong way.  Or maybe, as with some bad injuries or serious illnesses, your body can’t overcome it, and you’ll die.

The second option you have is to go see a doctor.  And in this option I mean you go see the doctor but you don’t involve God.  The doctor may be able to give you the right medicine that simply eradicates the sickness from your body.  The doctor might set the bone or injury correctly so now your body’s internal healing mechanisms can heal the problem completely.  The doctor might suggest other actions or remedies.  Modern medicine is amazing, and God has played a big role in some of our most amazing medical advances.  But the medical world has never been perfect, and it never will be.  The doctor might make a mistake.  The medicine might not be very effective.  There are no guarantees in the medical world, and I think we all know that.

The next option is to only use your faith and the healing mechanisms the Bible gives us.  We can lay hands on ourselves and command healing to come and the pain to go.  We can cast demons out of ourselves.  According to James 5:14, we can call for the church elders to pray the prayer of faith over us and we can be healed that way.  When we consider the ministry of Jesus and the apostles, we don’t see them using any medical treatments to work healing miracles.  They only used supernatural remedies like the healing power of God and their authority over unclean spirits.  This option is available to you as well, but you need to be careful about it, and we’ll come back to this.

The final option is to use both your faith and doctors.  This is by far the most common choice in the Christian world today, at least if the problem has any significance. 

Whether you’ve realized it or not, every time you’ve encountered a physical problem you’ve chosen one of these ways to deal with it.  Recognizing this truth, and understanding this framework, is the first step to seeing victory every time your body suffers a problem of any kind.  If you are attacked or injured, you need to consider this framework and decide what you are going to do. 

Let me remind you again, God’s will is your healing, but God’s will is not automatic.  Your body may heal itself.  The doctors may prescribe the perfect treatment plan.  But if you want God involved in your healing journey, then you need to involve Him.  You need to invite Him in.  You do that through prayer, Bible study, and using your faith.  James 1:5-8 teaches us that without faith it’s impossible to receive anything from God.  God has a wonderful plan for your life.  God has promises for you to see His blessings in every area of your life.  But without faith in God’s Word, and without obedience to God’s systems for living, you are never going to see God’s will in your life.  And that’s tight but it’s right.

So just to briefly recap, the first option for your healing journey is to do nothing and maybe your body will heal itself.  The second option is to do what the doctors say, without involving God in your healing.  As I’m sure you understand, I don’t recommend these options and we won’t really discuss them further.  Sometimes a minor ailment may actually be the start of or a symptom of a major problem.  I don’t want to even speak fear or death here, but you know what I mean.  Similarly, sometimes doctors do a great job.  But sometimes they don’t. 

So let’s spend our time talking about the third and fourth options, where you use God’s healing systems and you may also use doctors.  These are the options you want to use every time you have a physical problem.  We’re going to encounter some difficult questions here, but again I think that if you acknowledge this framework, and the choices you’re making, it’s going to greatly help you spiritually, mentally and physically.

I want to start by encouraging you to involve God in your healing journey every single time your body is attacked.  Just make this a default mechanism, and do it immediately.  I don’t care how small the problem is.  If you stub your toe, command the pain to go in Jesus’ Name.  If you have minor cold symptoms, command those symptoms to go in Jesus’ Name.  If you get a brain freeze from a milkshake, command that pain to go in Jesus’ Name.  Whatever the ailment, whatever the cause, use the healing power of God before you do anything else.  Just start there.  Use your faith, use the authority you have because of your union with Christ, release the power of God into your body, then go from there.

Involving God in your healing situation immediately is important.  This will arrest your mind from going down the dark roads.  This will calibrate your thinking and establish your faith.  Maybe this is a terrible situation, maybe the symptoms are severe, but your hope is, first and foremost, in God.  Starting in that place is going to set you up for success every time.

In fact, let’s just take a moment, especially if you are in a healing journey right now.  Maybe you haven’t focused on God enough.  Maybe you haven’t involved God in your situation.  You can start over right now.  God’s healing power will work if there is only one cancer cell in your body.  God’s healing power will work if you have been battling cancer for years and the doctors say it’s everywhere.  We can make a fresh start today.  Just pray with me out loud right now.

“Father God, thank you for sending Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for my sins.  Thank you that according to Isiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24, Jesus also paid the price on the cross for my healing, and that by Jesus’ stripes I was healed.  Now, in Jesus’ Name, symptoms I command you to get off my body.  Pain, I command you, in Jesus’ Name, to get off my body.  (Get specific, speak directly to the problem.)  I release the healing power of God into my body.  I remember that God’s Spirit, with all the healing power of God, is already in me.  I receive it right now.  I declare, by Jesus’ stripes, I am healed.  In Jesus’ Name, I declare that I’m healed.  In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen!”

Doesn’t that feel good?  Doesn’t that feel right?  Now the question is, what are you going to do next?

Sometimes you will get attacked, and then you will pray like that, and you will know that everything is fine.  Sometimes you’ll know it’s fine because it’s not a big deal and it will pass, like a brain freeze.  Sometimes it’s a little more serious, but you know you’ll be ok.  Give God the glory, and start thinking about something else.  It’s important to move your mind away so you cut off the fear and the worry and negative thoughts.  If the negative thoughts come at you, cast them down and replace them with Bible thoughts if you can (2 Corinthians 10:5).  If for some reason you can’t do that, then find some other thoughts to replace them with.  Go for a walk.  Watch a tv show.  Whatever, but stop worrying about this medical situation.

The next level of analysis comes if you feel like you should do more.  I encountered this the other day with my toe.  I prayed, and I felt pretty good.  But I thought that I should still get the nail clippers and the tools and work on my toe a bit.  Maybe you feel like you should take some medicine, maybe you feel like you should see a doctor.  The one thing I don’t want you to feel is fear or condemnation. 

Spend a few minutes praying.  If you have your prayer language, then pray in tongues, or pray in the spirit, for a few minutes.  (If you don’t, call me and let’s get it for you.)  Turn on the music and sing a worship song.  Stay focused on God and His promises.  Now, what do you think you should do?  Try not to do anything from fear.  As you consider your options, where do you feel peace?  Where do you feel rest?  The Holy Spirit wants to bring you peace and rest to help with your decision making (Colossians 3:15).

When my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, we had several people tell us that we should just believe God and don’t use the doctors.  If you are at that level, I’m very happy for you and I congratulate you.  But to be honest, that’s like getting shot in a vital organ and just believing God for your healing.  Of course, God’s power is more than enough to heal you.  But I’m sure not going to condemn you if you go see a doctor.  My wife told me that she wasn’t there and wanted to use conventional treatments, and I knew that God was with us. 

I don’t care how bad the problem is, God’s power is more than enough to heal you without any intervention from the medical realm.  But if it’s a serious problem, you’re going to want to approach it very seriously.  If that’s you, then my advice is for you to be in the Word all the time.  You need to be listening to people that truly understand the healing will and power of God.  Andrew Wommack, Curry Blake, Audrey Mack, Greg Mohr, Barry Bennett, Bill Winston, those are people you should be listening to.  They have tons of free materials on their websites and YouTube, and you should saturate your mind with those teachings.  Honestly, my podcast now has a ton of good teachings on healing, and I encourage you to check those teachings out too.

Spend time studying the Word of God about healing.  Meditate the scriptures.  Worship God for His healing will and power.  Then stand in faith for your healing. 

Now I’m going to talk about that idea of standing in faith for your healing and the appropriate relationship with doctors.  Those are two of the most important topics for Christians and their healing journeys, and they are topics virtually everyone will encounter.

If you have spent any time in the Christian world, you’ve probably heard that phrase, “stand in faith.”  We don’t have the time today to explore every potential use of that phrase, let me just tell you what it really means, and how you should use it.  As far as God is concerned, a person is truly standing in faith regarding a prayer when that person is fully persuaded that God has heard their prayer, that their prayer is answered, that the thing is done, that God’s Word is true and is their reality, even before the answer has showed up in the natural realm, even before you can see the answer with your eyes or feel it in your body.  That’s when you are standing in faith.

Your salvation is an easy example.  You know that you are saved.  I can’t convince you otherwise.  There is nothing in the natural realm which tells you that you are saved from your sins and going to heaven for eternity.  You believe this because of God’s Word alone.  You are going to be standing in faith for this until the day you die or when Jesus returns.  Only at that point will there be any physical evidence that what you believed about your salvation is true and real.  But even now, without that physical evidence, you know it’s true and your salvation is a present reality in the spiritual realm, with manifestation to come.

But to stand in faith for anything else is a little different.  You might believe God provides for you, but I can point to your empty bank account.  You might believe God has healed you, but I can read the doctor’s written report. 

After you have prayed for your healing, after you have laid hands on yourself and commanded the symptoms to go and healing to come, after you have commanded any unclean spirits out of your body, after you have done what God’s Word tells you to do, then it’s done.  It’s done even when you still haven’t seen it show up in the natural.  You just have to be patient.  Then it will show up in the natural world.

How do I know that it worked?

(1 John 5:14-15 KJV) – “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he hears us: And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”

Every time you pray according to God’s Biblical promises, and every time you act according to God’s Biblical directions, it works.  God’s Word never fails or returns void.  God’s power engages to bring the answer to your prayer, to bring the harvest on your seed.  It always works. 

But there is a period of time between when you pray and when the answer to that prayer shows up.  And in that period of time there is contrary information in the natural realm that tells you the prayer didn’t work.  You prayed, but it still hurts.  You prayed, but the doctor still says you are sick.

(Isaiah 53:1 KJV) – “Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?”

(Romans 3:4 KJV) - “Let God be true, but every man a liar.”

You must believe God’s Word more than you believe anything else, even contrary information in the physical realm.  You must regard God’s Word as truth and everything else as a lie.  You must believe that it’s already done.  That by Jesus’ stripes you were healed, even when there is no physical evidence.   And sometimes you might be waiting a little while.  Abraham waited for years to see His first promised child (Genesis chapters 12-21).  Daniel waited for three weeks for an answer to prayer (Daniel 10:13).  The death of the fig tree didn’t appear in the natural realm until the next morning (Mark 11:20). 

This is a very important Biblical principle and we see Jesus discuss it in Mark 4 and Mark 11.  There is a period of time between when a seed is planted and when the tree sprouts up and bears fruit.  There is a period of time between when you pray and when you see the answer to your prayer in the natural realm.  But you must believe that it’s done.  You aren’t waiting for it to be done.  You aren’t hoping it will get done.  You are standing in faith that it’s already done.  That’s Biblical faith.  That’s standing in faith.

And remember, if the devil can steal that word from your heart, if the natural circumstances overwhelm you and you don’t believe it’s done, now you are out of faith, you are not standing in faith, and it won’t work.  Your faith is the force that brings it into the natural realm, and it is the only force that will bring it into the natural realm (see James chapter 1:5-8).  And my friends, once you understand this and how this works, if you will use it for God’s promises in your life, then nothing can stop you.

Let me briefly mention that I’m using the term “prayer” broadly to cover all types of prayers and declarations by faith, even commanding the sicknesses or unclean spirits to go.  Just remember that asking God to heal you is not how it works.  That’s not one of the Biblical mechanisms for healing.  We must use the authority and power we have over sicknesses, injuries and unclean spirits, and that’s how healing works in the Kingdom of God.  Please look at my teaching about Authority and Power for Divine Healing if you want more instruction about that.

The other day when my toe hurt, it didn’t feel better the instant I prayed.  I had to wait a few hours, but I knew it was done.  One time I hurt my ankle very badly.  I boldly spoke healing into my ankle for hours.  After praying and walking for hours, I knew that it was done.  Remember that you need to resist what the devil is trying to do in your life (James 4:7).  Resist the power of the enemy and the negative situations.  Ask God how you should resist and walk out your faith.  When I hurt my ankle, I walked around cleaning the house.  I was still in excruciating pain with every step.  It was still another 6 hours or so before I felt better, and by the next morning I was almost totally healed.  The morning after that I ran 4 miles, totally and miraculously restored. 

Standing in faith isn’t always easy, especially if it’s a dire situation.  Worship, Bible study, praying in tongues, and listening to the right Bible teachers, those are the things you need to do to keep your mind fenced in by the promises of God while you are standing in faith.  The manifestation will come.  What’s already done in the spiritual realm will show up in the natural realm, just keep believing the report of the Lord and standing in faith.

You must stand in faith for your healing regardless of whether you are using doctors in your healing journey.  And standing in faith is something that the medical world knows nothing about.

Many Christians, maybe even most, are going to involve doctors in their healing journeys.  Now, the most likely situation is that your doctor is a good person, who wants to help you, who wants to do his or her best, who wants to see you healed.  But to correctly involve doctors in your healing journey, you must understand how they work and how to work with them.

Your doctor is going to look at your physical situation and give you his or her best possible treatment plan.  Often, and especially in difficult situations, that treatment plan was previously developed by teams of doctors, and it has been blessed by your insurance company.  The medical world has something called a “standard of care.”  When the doctor looks at your situation, he may have a few options, but he’s only got a few.  And if what you want or what he thinks you should do is not considered “standard of care” and approved by the insurance company, then he’s probably not going to recommend it or allow it, or the insurance company might not pay for it.

You just need to understand all of this.  I sure didn’t when my wife was diagnosed and we got into this world.  But my friends, this is the way it works.  One time my wife wanted a particular scan, and the doctor, a very nice guy that we like, showed us the chart.  Certain scans were a certain price and approved in the standard of care by the insurance company.  But other scans were more money and were not approved.  He said that he would try to get us any scan we wanted, but what we wanted was not standard of care and the insurance company would probably deny it (so we prayed about it, and they approved it, but that’s another story). 

Your doctor cannot look into the spiritual realm and see that God has answered your healing prayers.  Your doctor cannot see spiritual reality.  Even if your doctor is a fire baptized faith preacher on the weekends, his or her medical license doesn’t allow for the consideration of spiritual realities that might be going on in the unseen realm.  Your doctor can’t prescribe you to just stand in faith for your healing.  And sometimes, that’s the only thing that’s going to help you.

(Jeremiah 17:5 KJV) – “Thus says the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the Lord.”

(Psalms 20:7 KJV) – “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.”

You should commit those verses to memory and apply them to every aspect of your life.  Don’t trust in man or the medical world for your healing.  Don’t trust in man or the financial world for your provision.  You must trust God and His promises.  You must learn to operate God’s systems and do what God says.

When you have doctors in your healing journey, make sure you treat them with love and respect.  Don’t get confrontational with them.  As Barry Bennet describes, they can assist you on your healing journey, but they can’t be your leader.  Far too many people have made that mistake.  You can hear their advice.  You should take notes and then take it all to God in prayer.  How does God feel about that medicine with the side effects?  How does God feel about that surgery?  Where do you feel peace from the Holy Spirit as you consider your options?  All I can tell you is that my wife and I have been through that many times.

You may have to refuse a course of treatment.  You may have to choose one option over another.  Just let the doctor know up front that you’re a Christian weirdo.  It’s really easy to do that.  Whatever the doctor tells you to do, just respond, “we’ll pray about that.”  Yes, the doctor may argue with you if the doctor doesn’t like your decisions.  The doctor doesn’t want to lose another patient.  That’s actually a good thing if the doctor argues with your decision, that means he or she actually cares.  The doctor wants you to win, both for himself or herself and for you.  That’s ok.  But it’s your body, which is actually owned by God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and you need to do what you think God wants you to do.

You’re with God and you are standing in faith, even if you are pursuing conventional treatments.  You’re going to see good results.  You’re going to see restoration.  You’re going to see improvement.  Pray over the medicine too.  Don’t let anyone curse your medicine by telling you that chemo kills or something like that.  Condemn any negative words over you and over your chosen medicine in the Name of Jesus (Isaiah 54:17).  Use your faith.  Visualize your healing and your restoration.  And if someone won’t be a positive part of your healing journey and support your decisions and believe God with you, then you must kick them out of your healing journey.

Be patient.  Remember that by faith and patience we inherit the promises (Hebrews 6:12).  You have sown and you will reap (Galatians 6:9).  Your answer will manifest in the physical realm.  The doctors and everyone else will see it, and your healing journey will be over with a win and a testimony for Jesus.

Regardless of whether you use doctors in your healing journey, you need to make sure that you use God.  God has no problems with the last sentence.  God wants to be the leader on your healing journey.  God wants us to use all of the systems and promises He has given us to see healing in our bodies every time that it’s needed.  God doesn’t want you to neglect His promises.  His promises are actually your inheritance, and they are all available now.  Take them and see healing in your body.

The day may come where you can’t even get medical care from the world if you don’t have the right mark of the beast, the right religion, the right social credit score, or the right vaccination history.  I’m not a conspiracy theorist.  I’m not trying to stoke fear.  That’s just the truth.  Your access to medical care, in the USA and anywhere else, is not a constitutional right.  They can take it from you if they want.  And even if you have the best insurance and could see all the best doctors in the world, doctors aren’t perfect, doctors don’t know everything, and the standard of care doesn’t teach doctors how to deal with a demonic sickness.

I’m not against doctors or the medical system, but I’m for Christians learning how to receive their healing from Jehovah Rapha, our God Who calls Himself The God Who Heals.

OK, let’s move on and wrap this up.  As we’ve seen in this teaching, prayer is important.  But just complaining to God about all your problems is not the prayer that’s going to see you through this healing journey.  Listen to those teachers I mentioned before.  Listen to my podcasts on healing.  But you need to listen to the right teachers and involve the right people in your healing journey.

In the Christian world, it’s very common for a sick Christian to have other Christians pray for them.  One reason for this is the teaching in James 5 about having the elders pray the pray of faith for one’s healing that I mentioned before.  Of course that’s a great idea, and it will work for your healing.  It’s one of the Bible’s systems and methods to receive healing.  But the way this is typically handled today needs to stop.  The reason it needs to stop is the vast majority of the Christians and even the “church elders” in the world today don’t know how to pray the prayer of faith for your healing.  And that’s sad but true. 

If you get the wrong people around you who tell you that God’s will is your sickness, or God’s will is your death or the death of your child, and if you start listening to them, you’ve already lost.  That environment and those people will destroy your faith, and sometimes your faith is the only thing keeping you alive.

If you get attacked, by all means you should have some other Christians pray for you.  But don’t just call your church and get added to the prayer list.  Don’t just automatically call the prayer line.  Take a few minutes and ask God who should pray for you.  Consider the people you know.  Who has seen healing miracles in their lives?  Who talks about God’s power and desire to heal?  Who knows God intimately and serves Him whole-heartedly?  Who believes God? Those are the people you want to pray for you. 

My wife, who has been healed from stage 4 cancer, had a lot of people pray over her.  Sometimes people we didn’t even know would pray or prophesy powerfully over her, and it would bless us.  Sometimes people who have various church titles would pray and I ended up sorry we even told them about the situation.  Sometimes someone with a church title really has no idea what to do.  I’m not getting down on people, but the true revelation of healing has been greatly diminished in the church world today.

Let me tell you my favorite example of this.  When she was first diagnosed, a lot of people prayed for my wife, and I wasn’t always with her for various reasons.  One day she told me that she ran into a person I know.  As I would have considered this person an elder, or at least close to it, I was happy to hear they had spoken, and I wanted to know what the person said.  This person advised my wife that she would be fine, and that she just needed to go get a medical marijuana prescription.  She simply needed to eat a bunch of medical marijuana gummies, or whatever, and she would be fine.  And in case you are wondering, that was not Godly advice.

On the other hand, we’ve had some mighty prayer warriors with us.  Pastors Fritz Ruhe and Doug Hinders came to her hospital room with my parents and some others.  Pastor Fritz turned the worship music up so loud I thought the hospital staff would yell at us.  But they didn’t, and God moved powerfully with both wisdom and manifestation so we got out of the hospital without any emergency surgery, and she didn’t have that surgery until the Lord helped us through it 8 months later.

You need to be praying.  You need to be seeking God.  You need to be standing in faith.  You need to be only speaking with the right Christians and hearing the right teachers.  And you need to be doing whatever God tells you to do. 

That’s the final point for today.  Whatever God tells you to do, do it.  Remember Jesus at the wedding in John chapter 2?  When you need something from God, He may tell you to do something that sounds crazy.  He might tell you to do something that makes no sense.  He might tell you to find a new doctor or take a different medicine.  Whatever He tells you to do, then do it.  That act of faith will act as another seed to produce the harvest of healing in your life.  That act of faith will keep your mind focused on God and His power for your healing.  That act of faith may also trigger something in the natural realm to bring your manifestation.  Again, whatever He tells you to do, do it.

My friends, we live in a fallen world.  The potential for injury is everywhere.  Sickness, disease, and germs are everywhere.  But God wants you in perfect health.  I know lots of people don’t believe that, but it’s still the Biblical truth.

So please consider this teaching.  Involve God in every physical situation you have.  Just make it a habit.  Build your faith in this area.  You will begin walking in divine health, free from any physical problem.  God wants your health and God wants you to minister healing to others.  That’s true for every Christian (Mark 16). 

And please know that I am always here for you.  I’m happy to send you verses, to suggest materials, to pray and worship and believe God with you, and to stand in faith with you for your healing.


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