Shoes for Orphans

Here in the Central Florida area we are blessed to have a wonderful radio station, The Joy FM.  One of the hosts of the morning show, Carmen Brown, is collecting shoes for orphans in Peru.  Her goal is 10,000 pairs, so that will take many of us donating to help her. 

What a wonderful, practical expression of God's love.  It's hard for many Americans to understand the worldwide need for basic necessities such as shoes.  Most people in Zimbabwe currently live in terrible poverty.  While Byron and Shannon were there they purchased inexpensive sandals they could get wet in while visiting Victoria Falls.  After the tour ended, they passed a young girl leading an elderly blind man down the street.  Shannon asked the driver to pull over and she gave the girl her sandals.  I wish I had a picture of the girl's face.  She looked like someone had handed her a stack of money.  She smiled and waved until we were out of site.  Byron then gave his sandals to their driver, who was also very grateful.   

We can't all go to foreign lands and personally hand gifts to the impoverished.  But your reward in Heaven is the same if you get involved and do your part to bless people.  EFG is always looking for anointed projects that show the love of God to the world.  We encourage you to get involved and bless God's Peruvian children with some shoes.  You can find more information by clicking this link.

Visit The JOY FM on the radio or online for listening and other information about their awesome radio station.  Carmen does this jointly with Buckner International, whose largest humanitarian project is this shoe collection and donation program, called Shoes for Orphans Souls.


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