
Showing posts from February, 2010

Tell Us Your Exploits!

This site is dedicated to helping people do great things for God.  What have you done for God lately?  How has God used you?  Did you deliver a confirmation word to a praying preacher?  Did you give a pizza to someone who later revealed they had no food.  Did you lay hands on the sick and see them recover?  What did the Holy Spirit lead you to do?  We want to know about it.  God has prepared good works for us to walk in, we must find them and walk in them (Ephesians 2:10).  If we share our stories we can inspire others.  God has assignments for all Christians, and there is no thrill like knowing you have done something GOD asked you to do.  I will give you one quick personal example.  I went to law school at Emory in Atlanta.  While there God told me to start a Bible study.  He then told me to invite a Jewish professor to that study.  We had a good relationship, I did well in his classes, but he is Jewish.  ...

Only Christianity!

Now let's be honest, I've offended people before, and I'm sure it will happen again. But if you are a Christian, and you don't agree that Christianity is the only way to God, I believe you should at least hear me out. I'm sitting here thinking about what I want to say, and how to say it without offending. But if it's God's Words that I'm writing then I shouldn't be worried about offending. As Evangelic Diva wisely said on twitter today, “truth doesn't change.” “For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” (Exodus 34:14) Let me start this way - I literally believe that I am going to live for eternity with God. I literally believe that Jesus Christ died and rose again and now lives in me. I literally believe that my name is written in Heaven, and God looks at me as His child. I literally believe that Jesus Christ is the only Name by which man can be saved (Acts 4:12). I also believe that all other go...

Christians Persecuting Christians

Are you a Christian that persecutes other Christians? Are you actually causing strife and disunity within the Body of Christ? You might be without even realizing it. Some people persecute the true children of God, and they even think they are doing God service. The Bible never said that these mistaken people wouldn't also call themselves Christians. As I write this blog I'm looking at myself more and more to decide what I love and what I hate. When you look at Proverbs 8:13 and Proverbs 9:10, and use a little algebra (if a=b and b=c then a=c), you find that the beginning of wisdom is the hatred of evil. I believe we have an evil in the body of Christ that I've grown to hate, and that is Christians persecuting Christians. Now it just so happens that I'm a fan of several big ministries. I physically sat in the church of Dr. Creflo Dollar for three years. There I also fell in love with the ministry of Kenneth Copeland . Recently I have partnered with Joyce Meyer's min...

Does God Think I'm Hot?

Are you on fire for God? What does that mean anyway? It seems like I used to hear that phrase all the time. This person or that person would get saved, and then they would be all about church and the related events, and then people would say that person is "on fire for God." Certainly no one would have said that about me for the first 20+ years of my life. But a few years ago I was talking to a very close friend, and he said, and I couldn't believe it, "Byron, you are on fire for God." Let's first talk about my friend. This guy has been saved since birth (practically). He never strayed from the faith, not even during college, married a great Christian woman, and now lives a solid Christian life. And he's telling me that I'm on fire for God? I was talking to him on the phone about tithing and speaking in tongues and doing great things for God with our lives. But while he had always remained close to God, he lacked the fire? Christianity had become onl...

Christian Books

I would like to share with you how reading books by prominent and powerful Christians has tremendously blessed me. I believe reading such materials could really bless you too. I am blessed to come from a family of strong Christians. They prayed long and hard, and when I finally turned to serve the Lord they had many great materials for me to study.  Of course the greatest Christian book is the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is God's Word, God's personal message to you. The Holy Bible alone is a living book. Read Joshua 1:8 and Psalms 1 - study of God's Word will help you succeed in every area of life. In fact, one must be careful not to let other Christian reads take the place of their time with God in His Word. But I must show appreciation for the wonderful wisdom I have received through the Biblically based writings of other Christians. I'm referring to books that focus on a subject and show what the Bible says about it, especially to enlighten, encourage, and exhort the ...

Donate to Byron Howell Ministries, Inc.

Thank you for your interest in donating to our efforts at Byron Howell Ministries, Inc.  We appreciate your donations beyond words.  Please feel free to use the link below to contribute any amount you wish. We love you and may God abundantly bless you, Byron and Shannon Howell

God Helps

I believe that God will help us do everything. Now of course I don't mean sinful things or things out of His will for your life. But I mean God will help you do every single thing that lines up with His Word and His specific will for you. Let's think about our personal situations right now. I work, I husband, I have a dog, I write this blog, I go to church and occasionally minister to the children. Those are my life's big activities and I believe God wants me to do every one. Moreover, I do other, less significant things. I shower, I get dressed, I drive, I talk, I walk, I eat, I choose, and I do many, many other things that I don't usually even consider. I believe God wants me to do all of these too. I believe God not only wants me to do all of this stuff, but that He will also help me do it all supernaturally well. Some people believe God only gets involved in our big issues, some believe He doesn't get involved at all. As for me, I believe God wants to be associa...

God's Perfect Place for You

As we grow older we are confronted with many important decisions. It generally starts with our college choice, then our career choice, then our spouse choice, then our church choice, and then many other choices come as the years go by. Of course, the most important choice we could ever make is to accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. In fact that is the foundation upon which every other choice should be made. But I want to talk today about choices regarding location. As children we generally have no say in where we live, what we do, or where we go to church, but then as we reach adulthood that changes. After we get settled into a career we may feel we have less control again, but still the ultimate decision remains with us. I want to show you that God will show you the right places to live and to worship. The importance of these decisions can't be overstated. If you go where God wants you to go, then everything else God has for your life can appear. But if you don...

Do Exploits

How many of you want to do something great for God? Something happened to us all to make us receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We heard it, believed it, wanted its promise of Life, and accepted it. If we stayed connected to God, we probably read the Bible and attended a good church. Then our salvation became more real to us. We realized that we really deserved death, and Jesus really suffered and died for us. And we wanted to give back to He who gave us all. How many of you have said, "God, I give you my life," "God here am I, send me," or simply, "God, use me." Most devout Christians have said words like these many times. Yet we find ourselves consumed with our daily existence. We want to do everything for God, but the cares of the world choke our fire, and we end up doing little. Sure, maybe we put our money in the bucket, maybe we volunteer at the church, and just maybe we pray for people or share the Gospel when an opportunity appears so obviously tha...