Do Exploits

How many of you want to do something great for God? Something happened to us all to make us receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We heard it, believed it, wanted its promise of Life, and accepted it. If we stayed connected to God, we probably read the Bible and attended a good church. Then our salvation became more real to us. We realized that we really deserved death, and Jesus really suffered and died for us. And we wanted to give back to He who gave us all.

How many of you have said, "God, I give you my life," "God here am I, send me," or simply, "God, use me." Most devout Christians have said words like these many times. Yet we find ourselves consumed with our daily existence. We want to do everything for God, but the cares of the world choke our fire, and we end up doing little.

Sure, maybe we put our money in the bucket, maybe we volunteer at the church, and just maybe we pray for people or share the Gospel when an opportunity appears so obviously that it practically smacks us in the face. These are all noble acts, but are you really LIVING for God? Are you doing all you can for God and His Kingdom? Don't you want to do more? Jesus gave us everything, and we should be willing to give Him everything.

We are no longer content to do nothing. We are no longer content to do just those basic exercises that millions do with no passion, no fervor, and no fire. We believe the time has come for all Christians to rise up and do the works God has for us.

Isaiah 60:1 calls us to arise and shine, for our Light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon us. Do you believe that? Do you believe the glory of God is on you so that you can rise up and shine in this dark world? Well, if you want to do great works for God you'd better believe it. Forget about your own strength. Receive the light of God, receive His glory upon you, rest in Him, and arise.

Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has before prepared for us to do. Are you an introvert, are you tall, are you good with children, are you intelligent? Whatever your reality may be, God saw it ahead of time, and God has already prepared good works for you to do. The works are prepared, but will you walk in them?

My fellow Christians, we are created, adopted as sons and daughters of God, so that we can do great and mighty works for Him. Moreover, God doesn't just send us in our own ability; God supernaturally empowers us to do all the works He prepared for us.

In Colossians 1:29 Paul says, "I also labor, striving according to His working, which worketh in me mightily." In the original Greek the word “working” is "energeia." Do you see that? Read the Rotherham translation - "I am even toiling, contending according to His energy which is energizing itself in me with power." GOD ENERGIZES US WITH HIS ENERGY!!!! Hallelujah. I have literally the seed, life, and energy of God within me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

What about Philippians 2:13 – “God works in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Again, the Bible says God energizes us both to want to do His Will and to actually do it. We are created and empowered to do great works for God. Your works will be different than mine, but God has works for us all.

Our foundational Scripture is Daniel 11:32 – “The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.” Do you want to do great things for God? Do you want to fulfill His plan for your life? Do you want to walk in the works He planned for you? I know you do. Get closer to God; He will get closer to you. Seek and you shall find, knock, and God will open to you. We are going to get to know God, and we are going to get stirred up to do good works. We are going to do exploits for God.


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