God Helps

I believe that God will help us do everything. Now of course I don't mean sinful things or things out of His will for your life. But I mean God will help you do every single thing that lines up with His Word and His specific will for you.

Let's think about our personal situations right now. I work, I husband, I have a dog, I write this blog, I go to church and occasionally minister to the children. Those are my life's big activities and I believe God wants me to do every one. Moreover, I do other, less significant things. I shower, I get dressed, I drive, I talk, I walk, I eat, I choose, and I do many, many other things that I don't usually even consider. I believe God wants me to do all of these too. I believe God not only wants me to do all of this stuff, but that He will also help me do it all supernaturally well.

Some people believe God only gets involved in our big issues, some believe He doesn't get involved at all. As for me, I believe God wants to be associated with all of our lives. I believe God loves us so much that He wants constant contact, constant communication, and constant attention. No, I don't believe we are to be some sort of sheltered child to God, where we can't mature and have responsibility. I simply believe that God loves us and wants to involvement, and the greater involvement we allow Him, the greater our lives will be.

Proverbs 3:6 says we should acknowledge God in ALL our ways, and then He will direct our paths. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (John 16:13). I know you might be thinking that only applies to Spiritual truth, but that's not how I measure it. I believe He will guide me into the truth in every situation in my life. Psalms 1 says it perfectly. The man who delights in God's law will be like a tree planted by rivers, he will bring forth fruit, and EVERYTHING he does will prosper.

I believe God will cause us to prosper in everything we do, meaning we will do everything well, with a supernatural blessing on our doing. I believe that is one of the wonderful benefits of having God live inside of us. I know we touched on this in our post, Do Exploits, but these powerful truths are worth mentioning again.

According to Colossians 1:29, we can do all our work with God's energy energizing us. According to Philippians 2:13, God works in us to want to do the right thing and to do it. I know sometimes, especially as new Christians, we don't always want to do everything the Bible says. But God, who is so rich in mercy and grace, will even help us want to do right, and then He'll help us do it. Glory to God. Nothing is impossible. We can do all things through Christ.

I just believe that if I allow God into any part of my life, He's going to bless that part. If I draw near to God in any area, He's going to draw near to me in that area (James 4:8). If I want more of Him in my life, then I need to let Him into more of my life. God will help me be a better husband if I let Him into my marriage and obey His Word regarding it. God will help me be a better worker if I bring Him to work with me and obey His Word concerning that. I even believe God will help me tie my shoes better if I ask for His wisdom and blessing on it. Anywhere I unite with God I can expect increase, blessing, and God results.

Maybe this sounds a little crazy. Maybe some people would say, “God isn't concerned with all that.” But that's not how I see it. I believe God is literally my loving Father. I believe God gave me His only precious Son, and therefore He will give me all things (Romans 8:32). I believe if I stay close to God and His Word, I'm going to prosper and have success in every area of my life (Joshua 1). I've felt this way a long time, and nothing makes me think otherwise. Life is much more fun with God, and I'm better at it with Him, so let Him into every part of your life and watch every part improve.


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