Godly Business

Recently I finished my largest case as a lawyer. It was essentially a $9 million breach of contract case and I represented the defendant. I'm a sole practitioner and I was up against an attorney at an established firm who has been a partner about as long as I've been alive. Early in the litigation an issue arose that would largely determine the case's proceedings. I spent about three full days preparing for the hearing.

I was tempted to fear. In fact, I probably suffered a mini-panic attack the weekend before my preparations started. On the way to the courthouse I was praying in tongues and asking God for favor and wisdom, and God communicated to me. It wasn't words that I heard, more of an impression really, but the best way I can describe it would be that God told me, "you must call down the supernatural." I realized right then that God would help me, but I had to invite Him into the situation by prayer and faith (and walking in love and staying out of strife with the opposition, of course.)

I endeavored to pray as the Holy Spirit led. The atmosphere at the hearing was overwhelmingly congenial. We certainly argued our sides, but we remained in peace. While there was nothing physically miraculous or naturally noteworthy, the judge made a ruling that ultimately meant we would prevail on the issue. We never went back to court, and within a few weeks settled for 30% of the plaintiff's original demand.

Recently I have meditated that situation and received revelation. In short, I must invite God into all of my professional dealings, in the same way I do my personal life and ministry efforts. But this can be difficult. Remember we must acknowledge God in all our ways and then He will direct all our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). I want to now discuss this issue in a way that hopefully applies to all of us.

Most of us, if not all, are professionals. We work a job and receive a paycheck. We most likely work at our particular job because we have education or experience in that industry. As you encounter situations at that job you go to your education, experience, or general knowledge to help you manage. Perhaps it's a new client or a new product. Perhaps it's a supplier or customer problem. But do you go to God to help you work?

I encounter this almost every day. I have a virtually constant stream of new situations. Often, the first place I go is my knowledge of Florida law or legal procedure. Sadly, in business I often rely on what's in my head, what I can learn, or what I can perceive with my physical senses. But I see now that those sources aren't enough for a successful Christian business, one that's truly dedicated to God. I need God's direction, wisdom, intervention and power.

I know many of you live dedicated to God. You wake up and spend time with the Lord. You consider your ways and look for opportunities to witness. You even consult God in your personal and financial affairs. Let's just take witnessing as an example. Usually we will receive an unction from the Holy Spirit to witness to someone. We trust the Holy Spirit for the right words, and then hope God brings them to salvation. In fact (at least hopefully), your entire witnessing activity is bound up with your relationship with God. You didn't create the opportunity, you have no ability to develop it without God, and you certainly have no ability to create results apart from the Holy Spirit. Well what if you conducted your business the same way?

With every new client I must hear clearly whether God even wants me to represent them. While I must consider Florida law, procedure, and my general knowledge of the world, I must also consider Biblical principles. I must ask God for assistance and trust Him for direction. I must pray for divine revelation and empowerment to get the job done. And at all times I must expect His favor to be manifested. I must fully invite God into my business.

I want God to know that my entire working life belongs to Him. Whatever He tells me to do, that will I do. I simply can't do this on my own. I realize millions of people work without God every day. But that's not the type of business I will have. Even if I could succeed in my working life without God (something I sincerely doubt), I would never want to try. I've seen what God has done in my life, in my family, and in my heart. I know what He will do in my business. He will bless it and use it to bless others. That's just the way God is, and that's what I want.

So invite God into your business today. "Whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him." (Colossians 3:17) As God has shown up and improved every area of your life that you've given Him, your working life will be no different. Seek Him, trust Him, and never be afraid to perfectly obey Him. Your business will become God's business, and that's when it will truly be fulfilling and exciting. That's when there will be no limits and guaranteed success.


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