Dr. Ravi Zacharias

Dr. Ravi Zacharias was born in India and later moved to the United States.  Possessing a powerful intellect, inspired by the Holy Spirit and wise from his considerable experience and studies, he preaches and lectures persuasively on behalf of Jesus Christ. 

Ravi Zacharias International Ministries focuses largely on Christian apologetics, seeking to persuade others of the reality of Christianity through reason and rationale.  Dr. Zacharias lectures frequently on the superiority of Christianity to other religions, often in that Christianity is the only true religion because only Christianity has a completely rational basis which can help us understand every aspect of reality.  Dr. Zacharias has extensive knowledge of the world's religions, viewpoints, and opinions, and openly debates their accuracy against the truth of Christianity.  He shows their fallibility with Scripture, natural observations, and logical arguments.

The website for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries notes that the ministry seeks to influence "skeptics, cultural influencers, and critical thinkers across the globe."  I would never say that the Gospel is not enough to persuade any man's spirit.  But sometimes you can't get people to listen to the Gospel long enough to make a change.  Some people, especially the intellectuals in America, think that Christianity is foolishness, much like the Greeks did during the time of Paul.  These people often won't listen to Spiritual dialogues or church sermons.  They will sometimes, however, listen to an intellectually based argument.  People who fancy themselves intellectuals want to listen to intellectual things.  Dr. Zacharias has forced open a door to these groups.  He is a renowned scholar with opportunities at many respected universities.  He speaks to world leaders throughout the globe.  Coming from India and traveling extensively, Dr. Zacharias also has a unique perspective on many world cultures.  He understands the world's diversity and diverse viewpoints.  He therefore can relate to and minister to people around the world.

I am a well educated man.  When I listen to Dr. Zacharias I find mental stimulation that few other sources provide.  I know Christianity is true by faith.  Dr. Zacharias helps me see how all of nature also testifies to Christianity's reality.  All other gods are idols.  All other religions are false and fruitless.  I believe these things because the Bible tells me so.  Dr. Zacharias helps me see this reality with my mind as well as my heart.  He debunks the arguments of atheist, heretic, and heathen alike.  His ministry helps create unity of belief between my mind and spirit, which unity makes me a more convinced, powerful, and persuasive minister.

I highly encourage you to visit the website for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.  Get some of his audio materials, watch him on tv, and/or listen to him on the radio.  Your mind will be touched by the power of the Gospel in new ways, I promise you that.  I recently received a mailing from his ministry and the quote thereon was, "Helping the Thinker Believe and the Believer Think."  Find out for yourself what that feels like.  You will be blessed.


  1. Wonderful, yet accurate endorsement for Dr Zacharias and RZIM. Thanks EFG!


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