Food for the Hungry

This past Saturday Shannon and I attended the Follow You Tour in Clearwater, Florida.  It was an awesome concert featuring Brandon Heath, Leeland, and Francesca Battistelli.  The bands did this tour in connection with Food for the Hungry.  During a brief intermission they showed a video about their trip to Cambodia, where they met some seriously impoverished people, especially children.  They danced and sang and played games with them.  Your heart went out to these wonderful children.  In the midst of extreme poverty they seem so loving and happy. 

Food for the Hungry currently operates in more than 26 nations.  They focus on the two hungers facing much of the impoverished world, spiritual hunger and physical hunger.  Their wide range of operations includes providing food and water, emergency relief, church development, and even local business development.  Clearly this group wants to feed both the spirits and stomachs of the people.  And more than that, they want to help people feed themselves.

Another awesome ministry of Food for the Hungry is child sponsorship.  I'm sure many of us can remember various commercials pleading for us to sponsor a child in some impoverished nation.  I always wanted to do that, and I'm sure you did too.  I know that the desire to give and help others doesn't just come with Christianity.  Many of us wanted to help those hurting babies before we ever knew Christ.  Desires to help and love are inborn from God in the human heart.  But now, with Christ in our lives, we should realize that we must help.  It's more than just "want to," it's "have to."  We are instructed and empowered to help. 

One problem with many other such operations is that they only feed the flesh.  Now that I can help a child's spiritual and physical well-being for only about a dollar a day, I am without excuse.  I am stirred to action.  I always wanted to do it and now I have found the perfect organization to partner with.  I hope you feel the same way when you visit the Food for the Hungry website.  The saddest part is how many children are available for sponsorship.  Won't you help them, won't you help the least of these, as God commands. 

I should add two other notes to this post.  A dear friend of mine recently told me that he believes the Church still lacks true supernatural prosperity because of its continued neglect of widows and orphans.  We must begin doing more to help the most fragile and helpless among us.  Also, Shannon and I believe that this sponsorship is a great seed for us to plant, as we look to begin having our own children.  Find out more about Food for the Hungry.  Pray about getting involved.


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