Life Impact Network
Two years ago my wife and I purchased a house. When I told my mom the address, she said it sounded familiar. Turns out, I was moving in next door to one of her close friends, a powerful woman of God with a voice, a vision, and a ministry. The woman is Pat Layton, who is the President and Founder of the Life Impact Network. The Life Impact Network is the parent organization for several wonderful ministries which focus on saving lives and helping children.
The Network's most well-known division, A Woman's Place Ministries, provides free unexpected pregnancy counseling. They educate women, especially the young and single, about their baby's growth and their options. They go right up against the area's major abortion clinics, even having their offices in the same complexes when possible. They aim to protect the lives of the unborn. They use a variety of means to accomplish this, including free counseling and free ultrasounds. They introduce the young mothers to their children, showing them the life inside them and encouraging them to keep it.
But they don't just work to prevent abortion, they also provide post abortion healing and counseling. Mrs. Layton's abortion healing program, Surrendering the Secret, has wonderful materials to help women forgive themselves and heal. This material has received widespread support from the greater Christian community, especially considering its release by Serendipity House, a division of Lifeway. For the abortions they prevent, A Woman's Place Ministries provides pregnancy counseling, doctor referrals, and also adoption assistance through their Moses Project (adoption information) and Woven Basket Christian Adoption Services (adoption service).
The Life Impact Network also works to improve the lives of older children. Their Impact division seeks to train teens and their parents about healthy lifestyle choices, including abstinence. They also have classroom education programs. First and Second Corinthians chapter 6 discuss how we must honor our bodies as God's temple and avoid sexual immorality. If we can show the younger generations that abstinence protects the body, honors God, saves lives by preventing abortions, and provides for better marriage beginnings, then we will truly do them a great service. But only God and the Holy Spirit can convince them, not fear tactics or guilt trips, and God needs people like those at the Life Impact Network to spread His message.
Yes, I realize this is a divisive and controversial subject, even for some Christians. Exploits for God believes that life begins at conception. Therefore EFG believes abortion ends life. Jesus came that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly (John 10:10). EFG believes all Christians should work to protect and preserve life. Moreover, children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward (Psalm 127). That verse has no qualifications, limitations or exceptions.
Pat Layton and the Life Impact Network are undoubtedly champions for children. Please visit the website for the Life Impact Network and the web pages for their various divisions. (Those links are found throughout the body of this post.) Life Impact Network is truly doing a great Exploit for God. It inspires me, and I hope it inspires you.
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