Conclusion – How To Start Working With God Financially Part 9

The Bible is clear that God wants to bless us financially.  But God doesn’t want to just rain money down on us from Heaven, God wants us to learn and operate in His economic system, His system of seedtime and harvest. 

God, as the Lord of the Harvest, gives us various seeds that He wants us to sow.  These seeds further God’s will in the earth and bless others.  From these seeds, God brings harvests into our lives.  These harvests produce blessings for us and more seeds for us to sow.  This is His economic system, and it’s His only economic system.

Tithing, gifts to the poor, general offerings, and first fruit offerings are all forms of “seeds” we can sow. 

As I explained last time, in God’s amazingly brilliant economic system, we increase financially, bless others, honor God, and draw closer to God all at the same time.

Now let me say something very important.  In this teaching series we have focused on money, but “seeds” can take many forms.  God may tell you to forgive someone who wronged you, to start serving in a particular ministry, or to go witness to someone who needs Jesus, as examples.  God may give you many different directions, and many of these are seeds.  Obedience to God’s directions is always a great seed. 

The most important seed to sow, for every area of your life, is God’s Word (Mark 4:14).  We sow God’s Word by praying and speaking it.  This is a major way we begin seeing God’s will in every aspect of our lives.  As you start sowing financial seeds, begin praying Word seeds as well.

Prayer, Bible study, worship, church attendance, and all other such spiritual activities are also seeds.  They produce wonderful, spiritual harvests in our lives.  Money is actually a very low form of seed, compared to God’s Word, obedience and spiritual growth seeds. 

It’s not that only the Kingdom of God’s economy functions by seedtime and harvest, in fact, all of God’s Kingdom functions by seedtime and harvest (Notice especially Genesis 8:22 and Mark 4:13). 

You need to renovate your mind with these concepts of seedtime and harvest and see yourself as a sower, sowing good seeds from God all over the world around you, and expecting God to bring you harvests of blessings and more seeds.

God wants you to integrate your spiritual and financial lives.  God wants to work with you financially and to see all His financial promises in your life.  If you want God’s will for your financial life, which is increase (Praise God) then study the Bible’s teachings on money, and begin sowing financial seeds to receive financial harvests.

(In case you missed any installments in this series or want more information otherwise, you can always see all of my messages, posts, podcasts, etc. at


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