Giving Only To Get – How To Start Working With God Financially Part 8

I’ve been showing from God’s Word how God wants to bless us financially, and how God created an economic system for us to work in.  As we operate in God’s financial system, sowing seeds that produce harvests, God will see to our financial increase.

We should discuss the accusation that we who talk like this are only giving to get or trying to greedily manipulate God’s systems for our own gain.  I would like to address that point a few ways.

First of all, if these Bible verses and systems don’t work as I’m suggesting, then they just won’t work, and you can then quit and do what you want.  At worst you are out a few bucks that probably went to your church. 

Because of how my parents raised me, I’ve been a tither and a giver my entire working life.  I can honestly say from 20 years of experience that these systems do work to increase you financially, and really they are the only explanation for my financial life. 

But while the systems do work, if you are only using them to increase your own holdings, they aren’t really going to work for you.  Greed blocks you from hearing from God with financial instructions.  Greed blocks the Holy Spirit from moving on you with financial compassion.  Greed blocks you from giving correctly. 

Self-interest will prevent you from truly entering God’s economic system.  Selfishness is the opposite of love.  God is love, faith works by love, love is the most important commandment, and if you don’t walk in love you aren’t going anywhere with God.

I want financial increase because it is God’s will for my life, and it’s God’s will for your life too.  That’s the line you need to cross, the understanding you must have.  I want finances because God wants them for me.  And therefore, I must want to do with my finances what God wants me to do with them.  If God says to give, I must give.  If God says to tithe, I must tithe.  I want more so that I can do more for God. 

Sure, I want nice things for me and my family.  We all do.  That desire comes from God too!  God loves you and wants you to experience the best the world has to offer (of good things) (Isaiah 1:19). 

And therein lies the true genius of God’s economic system.  God’s economic system provides the path for you to increase, for you to glorify God, and for you to bless others all simultaneously.  While you are increasing financially so are others and so is the Kingdom at large.  While you are learning to increase, you are also learning to given generously, and all the while you are drawing closer to God in your heart and in your finances.

We may never get to the point where we are completely immune to the occasional financial fear or selfish desire.  But God knows that, loves us anyway, and wants to help us.  The more we operate in God’s economy, the more God will use us to bless others, the more we will feel His generosity and compassion, the more we will learn to trust God.  The more we experience His system, the more we will want to give, and the more we will truly want to increase for His Kingdom.

(In case you missed any installments in this series or want more information otherwise, you can always see all of my messages, posts, podcasts, etc. at


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