How To Start Working With God Financially (Part 2)

Yesterday I showed you God’s plan for your financial life. God wants you to have more than enough so that you can be blessed and help others. When you help others at His direction, they will know it’s coming from God and they will glorify Him. (2 Corinthians 9:8,11)

How do we start integrating our financial and spiritual lives and seeing God’s will in our finances? Take some time to review Bible verses on money (using Google if needed). God wants to bless you financially, and God wants you to give Him some of your money.

The idea of giving God money is where many people have problems, especially because they probably heard this from a preacher. But forget about the preacher for now, just focus on the Bible. Here is the key – God is not telling you to give Him your money because He needs it. Rather, God is inviting you into His financial system (examples, Psalm 50:12, Malachi 3:10-12)

That’s right, God doesn’t need your money. God’s true works (including your church, hopefully) don’t need your money either. That doesn’t mean they don’t need money at all (the world works by money). But if you don’t give God your money, He will work with His other resources and people.

Giving to God is the ONLY mechanism by which His financial system will operate in your life. That’s just the way it is. But rather than getting annoyed about this or rejecting His financial system altogether, understand that God, the Creator of the Universe, designed the best possible financial system.

In God’s financial system, bringing your money to Him and His Kingdom is planting a seed that produces a harvest (2 Corinthians 9:6). While there are several ways to give your money to God (gifts to the poor, tithing, offerings and true financial seeds) they all function in God’s system of sowing and reaping.

So we must modify our thinking for our spiritual and financial lives. For their integration we must bring money into God’s Kingdom for God’s financial system to operate for us. As we do this, we are sowing seeds that produce harvests.

Next time we will discuss how to start integrating your finances with God’s financial system.

(In case you missed any installments in this series or want more information otherwise, you can always see all of my messages, posts, podcasts, etc. at


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