Facebook Invites Coming

Facebook tells me that I have around 650 friends I have never invited to like the Byron Howell Ministries Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ByronHowellMinistries/). Apparently I can't just invite everyone with one click and not think about it more than that (which would be my preference). Also, it appears that I need to do batches of 50, so I will be sending them out over the next few weeks.

If we were friends in my first 23 years and don't really know each other now, here is what happened. After my first year of law school (May, 2004) I realized that the best choice for my life was complete dedication to God and my salvation through Jesus Christ. I approached it with the same zeal that I approached my former (less honorable) practices. With my law school training and God's help, I approach the Scriptures to understand God's will and how to live it.

I learned that God's best gifts are available to everyone (how awesome!), but I also learned that they aren't automatic. We must learn God's ways and operate in His systems if we are to see His salvation and blessings in our lives.

I realized that God is the most wonderful Being Who could ever exist, and that He chose to be that way for everyone. Despite the punishments and problems we read about in the Hebrew Scriptures and Prophets ("Old Testament"), through the sacrifice of Jesus we now all have access to God's unfathomable love and grace.

God's laws may look like control at first, but they are actually freedom. Surrender to God is access to all of natural and spiritual reality, access to eternity, and access to your best possible life and the highest expression of who your Creator created you to be. Such access can be found nowhere else.

Byron Howell Ministries is simply a vehicle I created to help share what I have learned with everyone I know. God's truths are the truth I am supposed to share, this sharing is the art I am supposed to create. I understand if people aren't interested, and I take no offense.

I hope any of my messages you come across bless and help you. I pray that you find God's love and salvation through Jesus Christ, for He alone is the greatest treasure in the universe.


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