Understanding Biblical Faith to See Your Prayers Answered

Christians are called to live by faith. (Romans 1:17) Faith is the force that brings God’s will from the spiritual realm into the natural realm. (Mark 11:22-24)

The Biblical word for “faith” (pistis) means completely convinced, fully persuaded, or assured. It’s not “want”, “hope”, or “think”. It’s know that you know that you know. The Biblical word for “believe” (pisteuo) means “have faith”.

So if you want to “believe” in the Biblical sense, you need to have faith. It’s not that you must want something, it’s that you must pray for something and know that it’s done. It’s done now even without physical evidence yet. In the same way you know that your salvation is done, and nothing could convince you otherwise.

God has already given you the measure of faith. (Romans 12:3) Hearing God’s Word on a subject produces a specific faith for that subject in your heart. This is the same mechanism as the seed of God’s Word being sown into your heart. (Romans 10:17, Luke 8:11-15) Hear it again and again and again to strengthen your faith.

By faith and patience, you will obtain in the natural realm what God has promised. The seed of God’s Word will grow up in your heart and produce in your life. (Hebrews 6:12, Luke 8:15)

Unbelief (apistia, no faith) will block this process and prevent you from seeing answers to prayer and God’s will in your life (Matthew 17:20, Hebrews 3:19). Unbelief will cause you to doubt, stagger and waver concerning God’s promises (Romans 4:20). Doubting, staggering, and wavering will all block your faith, they will all block answers to prayer from showing up in the natural realm (Romans 4:20, James 1:6, Mark 11:23).

Prayer and fasting drive out unbelief. (Matthew 17:20, Jesus is not saying prayer and fasting drive out certain demons, but that prayer and fasting drive out unbelief.)

So you must hear the Word of God, believe it with complete assurance, protect its growth process in your heart, and, through prayer and fasting, prevent unbelief from disrupting this process.
While you are standing in patient faith, do anything God tells you to do, no matter how crazy it sounds. (John 2:5)

In this framework you can see answers to all of your prayers based on God’s Word. God wants you to see answers to your Biblical prayers more than you do. God wants you to have His promises more than you do. In fact, this faith process was designed so that His promises would be “sure” to you. (Romans 4:16)

It’s time that we see all of God’s will for our lives, and this faith process is the key.


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