A New Beginning

While I attended graduate school God led me to write a series of Bible studies that I mailed or emailed to family and friends.  These were called "A New Beginning.  As you will see we covered a wide range of topics.  This lasted for nearly two years until I felt God's urging to take a break.  That break lasted about 2.5 years, and ended with God encouraging me to begin this website.   

This was really my first public ministry effort.  These were fun to send out, for I really found out which of my friends considered themselves Christians.  I also found out which didn't.  But much good came from doing this, and truthfully this completely changed the direction of my life and relationships.  I went from regular guy to minister of the Gospel.  Start publicly preaching your Christian faith and you'll see what I mean. 

I encourage you to read some and see what you think.  Then you could come back whenever you want some encouragement or guidance in a particular area.  Most have many Scripture references, so this could also be a good Bible study resource for you.  So enjoy and be blessed.  (There are, I'm fairly sure, some spelling and grammar errors.  I'm sorry.  The picture is of the orphan rhinoceros, Maalim, we adopted and visited in Kenya.  Please check out The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to adopt your own orphaned elephant or rhino.)


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