Marriage Today

Currently our country has an appallingly high divorce rate.  Worse yet, Christians have a higher divorce rate than non-Christians.  But God's power can do anything, and God sends ministry gifts to help the Body of Christ in every area.  As God sent Moses to deliver the Jews from Egypt, God gave the Body of Christ the ministry of Marriage Today and Jimmy and Karen Evans to help deliver Christians from the bondage of marital problems and divorce.

We first heard Pastor Evans speak at Dr. Creflo Dollar's church in Atlanta, Georgia.  Not yet married, we immediately recognized the value of these wise and understanding marital teachings.  Pastor Evans teaches on the importance of love, communication, honor, and intimacy in marriage, as well as many other related subjects.  Marriage Today consists of seminars, books, CDs, DVDs, a television show, a magazine, and even conference cruises.  Through all these channels the Evans wage war against the enemies of marriage and traditional family values.

Our society's foundation is the home, and the home's foundation is the marriage.  The devil knows that if he can destroy marriage, he can destroy society.  Marriage Today seeks to strengthen all marriages and help married couples overcome any obstacle.  The Evans know that they war on the front lines of the battle for our culture and our society.  God uses them as mighty voices to bless and instruct. 

I have also found that I benefit immensely from their teachings even aside from the marital context.  One listen to a sermon from Pastor Evans and I'm sure you'll agree.  Whether you are single, dating, engaged, married, or even divorced, Marriage Today's resources will help you immensely in your love life and overall relationship with God.  We give praise and thanks to God for this voice in our lives, as we know our marriage benefits greatly from this ministry.

For more information visit the website for Marriage Today.  Also be sure to watch their great television show archives.  Don't assume that you can get married or have a great marriage without God's instruction and help.  Accept God's gift of such an anointed ministry, and watch your marriage go places you wouldn't believe possible.   


  1. reading this topic was a great inspiration to me and i will encuraged others to read it to


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