One City Ministries

Until recently we had a neighbor named Anthony.  I believe God used Anthony to help me look at certain aspects of Christianity differently.  We must focus more on the God of the church than the church of God, the people of the church rather than the church of the people.  Tuesday I saw Anthony's son, who the day before had started a nine month ministry internship with a large church in the area.  That is so awesome, train your children in the way they should go and when they are old they won't depart.  During our talk he told me about One City Ministries, and now I want to tell you about it.

The African nation of Uganda needs the power of God as much as anywhere in the world.  Terrible leaders and civil war continue to ravage the country and its people.  The rebellious faction calls itself the lord's resistance army, but it brings only death and destruction.  Our Lord came to bring life, and that more abundantly.  The LRA's use of child soldiers is particularly appalling, as we can only imagine what terrors those beautiful children experience.

One City Ministries does wonderful works to help Uganda's people in many ways.  Led by Mike and Deb Gilbert, this group seeks both to save the souls of Ugandans and help them save their country.  When you read their stories you'll hear about them helping locals go to school.  You'll read about them helping people improve their trades to feed their families.  You can see their awesome plans for the future, including a self sufficient village and an environmentally friendly fuel.  They also minister to the people's physical needs through their Christian Emergency Response Force and by helping a medical clinic in Sibanga.

We love Africa and its people. God has blessed us to visit 5 African nations, and we pray to see more soon. Yes, many Africans are Christians, and yes, our country and Christianity have done much to help the continent.  But so much work remains.  Many places in Africa need a powerful move of God.  This will take people, time, and resources.  And God is able.  Through His wonderful works like this we will see this continent truly saved and changed. 

Visit the website for One City Ministries, and then check out the great blog from Deb Gilbert about their life in Uganda.  Pray for them, pray for Uganda, and pray for Africa.


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