Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Shannon and I feel so blessed to have the Christian life and influences we do, and in many ways it all started with Dr. Creflo A. Dollar. 

After college I planned on attending graduate school.  Still a devotionless Christian, I didn't know much about following God's plan for my life.  I had several schools in mind, and I prayed that only one would accept me, and that would be the one God had for me.  Well that happened just as I prayed.  When I went to Atlanta for orientation my dad came with me.  That Sunday morning he drove me down to College Park to visit a church.  We went to World Changers Church International, and I saw Dr. Dollar speak for the first time.

When I returned for fall classes I felt alone and frustrated.  Having nothing else to do I went back World Changers and heard Dr. Dollar again.  I asked God to show me a sign if He would have me join this church.  A man of God, a complete stranger, walked by me and gave me a friendly rub on the shoulder, so I went down to the altar to join.  10 months later I was a different person.  I went from the life of the party to God's witness for eternal life.  I shared Jesus with all my friends.  I read the Word daily.  I now loved God and I had clear understanding of many deep Spiritual subjects, the latter thanks in large part to Dr. Dollars outstanding and informative preaching.  Shannon joined me in Atlanta for the next two years.  We were baptized there, completed membership classes there, and even attended pre-marital classes and counseling there. 

Dr.  Dollar does have many critics, but we know the truth.  We sat in his church twice a week for three years.  We heard his multi-week series on love, joy, emotions, the Holy Spirit, fear, victory, holiness and countless other subjects.  Yes he did speak about prosperity and money, and boy I'm glad he did.

Dr. Dollar does so many exploits for God, we couldn't begin to list them all here.  But to us nothing compares more than his teaching the Word of God with simplicity and understanding.  The World Changers Church motto is, "in all thy getting, get understanding."  Dr. Dollar teaches the deep things of God so that anyone can grasp and apply them.  The gift of wisdom flows through his life and ministry in abundance.  When you sit under him that gift will flow right to you.

If you live anywhere near Atlanta, Georgia, you need to visit this church.  I also encourage you to join, your life will change very quickly.  He now also pastors a wonderful church in New York City, which we have been blessed to attend several times.  What an exciting time for you to join a fantastic young church with such an awesome man of God as Pastor. 

Use the following link to find out more about Creflo Dollar Ministries.  You can also go to the church websites here for World Changers Church International (Atlanta) and World Changers Church New York.   


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