Christ For All Nations

Christ For All Nations is the ministry of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. His ministry does amazing and exciting exploits for God all over the world. They hold massive Gospel crusades in countless nations. These wonderful meetings typically have many thousands of attendants. They also have fire conferences where they preach directly to local Christian leaders, helping them receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and encouraging them in The Faith.

We recently subscribed to one of their blogs and now get some of their ministry headlines. Read the latest headline of God's wonderful works through their ministry. "More than 120,000 [saved] on first night." What's amazing is that those numbers aren't rare for them.  They are seeing nations of people come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  Praise the Lord. Christ For All Nations is literally fulfilling their slogan, "Plundering Hell . . . Populating Heaven!"

EFG highly encourages you to listen to Evangelist Bonnke preach whenever you can. We were blessed to see him speak live in Georgia. From the first word out of his mouth we knew this man had the fire of God inside him. That booming voice spoke with an incredible anointing, and God's presence immediately filled the room. He stirred our faith to do great things for God, and he encouraged us to start right away in our daily lives.

Follow Evangelist Bonnke and his ministry at the website for Christ For All Nations.  Please pray for their efforts, as they are on the front lines in this last day harvest of souls.


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