Operation Mobilisation

Operation Mobilisation International operates around the world, sharing the Gospel and blessing people. I felt amazed and inspired while reviewing their website, really in awe of God for empowering these people to do so much.

Operation Mobilisation's heart is missions. This group trains, equips, and sends out thousands of ministers to over 100 nations. They preach the Gospel and also help the practical needs of the people. They have many operations in these countries dedicated to starting new churches, teaching practical skills, and helping the poor and downtrodden.

This organization has truly established a worldwide ministry presence. If you are looking for an awesome job, albeit unpaid, working your trade while also serving God's kingdom, then you should check out their opportunities page. They also have terrific mission trip opportunities which provide life changing experiences for thousands each year. Operation Mobilisation also sends two ships around the world, the Doulos and the Logos Hope, providing aid, witnessing, training, and blessing the nations. They have even developed Middle Eastern and Muslim evangelism ministries, glory to God.

Truly God has mobilized this powerful ministry to shake the nations for Him and to show the love of Jesus Christ to the world. You can see that God won't be left without a witness in any nation. In fact, God has His hands across the globe, in towns and villages, cities and states. God is determined to see the lost and unchurched come to Him, and God clearly uses this strong ministry to do His work. Check out the Operation Mobilisation website for more information.


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