Global Revival

Christian Harfouche Ministries works tirelessly to bring believers around the world to full maturity, and to bring the lost into the Christian fold.  Dr. Chrisitan and Dr. Robin Harfouche train Christians, preach the Gospel and have a miracle ministry that must be included when discussing those who do Exploits For God.

Based in Pensacola, Florida, they have a home church called the Miracle Faith Center.  You can just check their event schedule to see how they going to the world for Jesus.  They also have a "Miracles Today" television program and a "Miracle Times" magazine, both of which are awesome sources of Word, encouragement and testimonies.  

They also promote their Miracle Faith Center Global Church.  You don't have to live in Pensacola to join their church family.  From anywhere in the world you can join and the Drs. Harfouche will pastor you and pray for you.  This is an effort to create more worldwide Christian unity, that EFG believes the Body so desperately needs.

I first fell in love with their ministry when a friend gave me some of their Bible School cds.  They have an awesome ministry training school, International Miracle Institute, and I would recommend that everyone get their hands on some of those teachings or even join the school.

The preaching of Dr. Harfouche drew me in immediately.  I knew God opened my eyes here to a different level of anointing.  My heart filled with faith when I heard the Word from Dr. Harfouche.  He spoke clearly, quickly, intelligently, and powerfully.  From the first seconds I was locked in.  He has a command of the Scripture that I hadn't heard before.  He wouldn't just quote verses, but also cited different translations.  He wouldn't always say, "Let's go to John chapter 3."  He would just say the verses, weaving Scriptures together seamlessly to preach the message from God. 

I truly heard the anointing when I heard Dr. Christian Harfouche preach.  I had heard anointed preachers before, I now realize.  But his preaching opened my eyes to this.  I now believe I know the difference between anointed preaching and the other kind, and God brought this truth to me with the help of Dr. Harfouche.

I would like to specifically mention a twelve tape series they have available called "Christ In You The Sacred Secret."  I didn't find it on their website bookstore, but I imagine if you called they could get you one.  This life changing teaching series opened my eyes to the reality and power of Christ in the believer.  With Christ in us, nothing can stop us.  We can function on His level, with His ability, praise the Lord.  Get this series and never be the same.

To find out more about Drs. Christian and Robin Harfouche, to follow their ministry or to get some of their teachings, visit the website for Christian Harfouche Ministries.    


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